Chapter 24: Loss of Self And Identity

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Sometimes I'm afraid
that having found myself,
my voice and my self-expression
that the ideas will stop coming
that I'll stop writing...
maybe losing some sense of myself.
My writing -
being a writer -
it's who I am.
And every writer faces the fear
that the ideas will one day run out
and that all that will remain
are old poems
old ideas,
the same old stories - told and retold -
like memories of what once was...
like someone you loved
and lost...
but it's not exactly like that.
These ideas I've shared
will always be there
like children,
like anything else
that is a part of ourselves
- a creation, 
like everything else
and my poems
my writing 
are still alive
and (hopefully) always will be -
a part of me,
ready to be reborn -

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