Chapter 20: Fugue State Revisited

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I wake up,

I'm in a hospital. 
I think.
I don't seem to be sick
or injured.
No bandages,
I feel no pain.
No monitors
or hospital things.
Nothing is familiar
when I look outside.

It's dark, quiet.
I'm not sure who I am...
but I'm afraid to ask;
Afraid they'll think I'm crazy.

Tears stream down
my face -
I feel such a sense
of loss,
of what I don't know.
Maybe I don't want to remember.
No, I don't care anymore...

"Somebody help me!" I scream
against the cold, empty, 
echoing hospital walls...
The dream ends
just as suddenly...
I'm home in bed...
It's just a dream,
the trauma is over.

It was long ago.
and I'll always have the scar,
to remind me,
of what happened.

You'd think I'd want to forget
but memory is an important thing now. 


You could say that this is why I am writing this book - to remember. 

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