Chapter 22: Flashback

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It's funny how a place
can age-regress you -
take you back in time -
but that's what happened
when I was there
and I saw it...
It's like the years instantly
had receded
and folded in and back
and I was there...
not just at a place
at a time.
There's a man-made jetty
that curves out to a small island
on this beach
south of Wilmington...
if you look out at this
picture - the photograph
draws your eye into
the image
and in a similar fashion,
visiting this place,
my mind was drawn
into a focused trance state,
instantly age regressing by
many years
to that first date
she and I spent together,
and my new life began...
visiting this place,
I was taken by surprise
by the intensity
of this place
and time
and the feeling it created.


This is a companion to my autobiography which is available at

What Matters Most: Poems About Love, Loss, & TraumaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora