Chapter 20

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Sabrina Dubois' POV

I knew after that night, I was brought to the hospital. They handcuffed me as if I was a criminal. I mean, as if I did not just save the CIA's butt but who was keeping score, right?

"Sabrina Dubois, you're under arrest for being in an illegal organization against the United States. You are to remain silent and will be discharged once you recover," the police said as I was being bedridden. I don't know what to do but surrender to fate.

"Where's Alfred?" I asked as I was getting some treatment for my wounds. I was losing so much blood that the doctor was surprised to see me still breathing.

"Hold on, this going to be hurt for a while," he said as he was taking something out of my body and I screamed the shit out of me. And the question has remained, where's Alfred?

After a few hours of having treatment, I was visited by the chief director of the CIA, I knew that I was in deep trouble. I should have never trusted the government.

"Hello, Sabrina," the old man spoke to me. I nodded as I was still weak to get up from my bedding.

"You might know why I am here," he said as I looked at him. I nodded again.

"I'm sorry to say, after what you have gone through and done for the CIA but your involvement with Alfred has changed things. I can't ignore that fact now. I'm sorry," he said as he patted my hands.

I knew this day would come. I nodded as he went outside of my room. I looked outside the room and watched the sunset as it fell slowly through the horizon.

A few hours after that director came to visit me, I got a surprise visit when I was about to fall asleep.

"Camila? What are you doing here?" I said as I looked at Camila who picked me up from the handcuffs and let me go.

"No time to stay any longer. They might be onto us. You're coming?" She said as she went to the window before she opened up the window. I smiled as I can't move that quickly yet because of my wounds.

"Hang on," Camila said as she strapped me to the hornet and we went up to a waiting jet that was in stealth mode. We went up as we landed inside and the helicopter went away, undetected by the police or the CIA. The pilot turned around and I was surprised to see him.

"Alfred, long time no see you," I said as I was led to the chair to sit.

"Ah yes, did my old friend come to say that I was a criminal and all that crap to you?" He asked as he went to leave Val to control the jet.

"Yeah, the usual. Like I have nothing to know about you anymore," I said as I was strapped to the seat for my safety, and Camila helped to treat my wound that was opening up when we went up the hornet.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked as I looked at him. He was sullen for a while before he sighed.

"We have no choice but to make sure that this organization disbands," he said as he took a seat.

"Why? I thought you would protect your life on this," I said as Camila was holding me, preventing me to move.

"We have no choice, Sabby. The FBI, CIA even Interpol were onto us. We have to disappear. Get a new identity and start over with a clean slate," Camila said as she was finishing up. Come to think about it, it might not be so bad after all. I sighed as I looked at them.

"You're right, maybe it's for the best. For all of us," I said as I smiled and patted Camila's shoulder.

"Now that's the spirit," she said as she looked at us.

The French Fiasco (Femme #2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz