Chapter 10

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Sabrina Dubois' POV

"What the fuck is going on here?!!" I screamed as Nate got me out of the bag that had been around my head for a few hours. After we jumped off the building, Nate dragged me into a vehicle that happened to be parked near the building.

I was seated in the passenger seat when Nate drove out of that location. Even though I did not see anything that surrounded me, I can feel that he was going at a very fast speed.

"Nothing, it's alright. No need to panic," Nate said as he was walking toward a building. I followed him from behind.

"Nothing? Nothing?!! I was kidnapped by some guy that was probably going to kill me because of some bacteria that I found strange in the lab," I said angrily. Nate stopped in his track, making me collide with his lean back. I stepped back as I rubbed my nose. He smelled so good for a man.

"What did you say?" he asked me as he was staring into my eyes.

"Err...I said I discovered something abnormal about some bacteria in your lab. You as the CEO need to know all this stuff. Who knows what's going on in that company of yours?" I said as I brushed him off before he held my wrist, trying to stop me from walking ahead of him.

"It's not mine. It's my dad's," he said.

"Well, it's all the same to me," I said before shrugging him off. He sighed before walking beside me as he held the door and allowed me to enter the building first. It was pitch black like the Boogieman can come out anytime soon.

"Je suis chez moi," Nate said and suddenly all the lights were turned on. It was fucking magical as the setting of the building was minimalist but also seemed new and modern and Nathan White if you asked me.

He took off his jacket and went to sit on one of the sofas that were in the room. I was still amazed that I was circling the room. They had some books that I loved to get my hands on it, and some minibar that I presumed had some snacks that I can eat.

After seeing it, my stomach growled indicating that I have embarrassed myself in front of my potential lover. As if Nate would consider me as his.

"Hungry?" he asked as he was walking toward the bar.

"Maybe," I said trying to hide my face that was red as a tomato.

"Here," Nate gave me a Mars bar and I gladly took it before I pig out on the granola bar. I was so hungry that I forgot Nate was watching me intensely.

"What?" I asked him after I chugged down the bar. He leaned in closer to my comfort before he was looking at me with his slate orbs fixed on mine.

"What do you know about the bacteria and how do they manage to get you into their place?" he asked me as I was stepping back from his approaching self. My back was hitting the wall. I tried to look away, but he put his hand under my chin, pulling me to look at his slate orbs. When he did that, I lost all my common sense.

"I observed it under the microscope at that time and I saw them growing at a fast-moving rate. Then, I went to check into the database of the company and I saw there are some irregularities in the data before I was kidnapped and the next thing I knew, you're trying to save me from that warehouse," I said as I looked into his deep grey eyes.

I was mesmerized by it as I hardly noticed that I was walking toward him. I touched his face as my vision was hazy and the next thing I knew, I was on top of him, knocking him down on the floor.

"Sabrina?" He asked, looking concerned at me as he was holding me on the waist as I strangled him.

"My God, what did you do to me, Nate?" I said before pulling his face close to mine, as I claimed his mouth, demanding and passionately.

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