Chapter 30

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Sabrina Dubois' POV

"I don't care what you will do but you have to get him. He cannot be in that fathead's custody again. I wanted him to live free just like what his father wanted him to be," Alfred screamed at me while I was in Croatia when I was just having a bad day after that explosion that separated me and Nathan. The CIA appeared at the scene as I was hiding in plain sight. I let them take Nathan away from me.

"Don't be so harsh, Alfred. She just got out of that, alive. Shouldn't you be thankful?" Mia said as she was changing my bandage Alfred sighed on the speakerphone. I always knew that he has a soft spot for her.

Which meant an advantage to all of us.

"How are you, Mia? I thought Sabrina put on hand speaker," Alfred said as Mia just shook her head at me.

"With the rate you are going right now, you mightn't see 60 in your life, Alfred," Mia said as she put the blooded bandage away. She could hardly move when she was in her second trimester of pregnancy.

I cannot believe that Mia Duncan was knocked out by her arch-enemy, or maybe, more like her bounty hunter, Liam Hunt, as he was believing that she was the reason his parents died.

"Oh, not to worry, Alfred. I'm sure Sabrina will take, what's his name, oh yeah, Nathan to the safe place. She just needs a little time. He was held in custody at the US embassy in Denmark. But for now, he was held in the hospital and until he recovers, he will not be going anywhere," Mia said as she sat by me as Alfred just cleared his throat.

"So, do you have any plan then, smartass?" Alfred asked. We both leaned on the couch before an idea stuck inside my head. I smiled. Eureka!

"I think I have an idea of how to take him," I said as I was looking at Mia. She arched her eyebrow at me when I explained to them that it will be going down tomorrow night.

The plane ride from Croatia to Denmark was not nice. It was the only thing that Valentino can come up with when the flight was full of tourists that wanted to visit the Little Mermaid country.

"I cannot believe that you gave me a couch seat," I complained when I have the ticket in my hands.

"Hey, it was the best that I can come up with within 30 minutes. You want to get your love life tonight, so just go with it," Val exclaimed as I just rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but you better get me a rental car or I swear I go to Italy just to kill you with my bare hands, Val," I hissed at him before he just laughed.

"Find me if you can, Sabby," he said before I hung up the phone and an email that stated I have a rental car to pick up. I went to the company and redeemed them when I have to pick Nathan up at the hospital.

I waited till nightfall before I picked up my disguise and went inside the hospital when I was in the middle of the night. I waited in the janitor's room in the evening until it was time to strike.

I looked at the watch and it was 12:45 AM. I picked up the clothes and put them on. I also took a chart to make sure that I looked like a doctor and I put on a mask to make me like I was in the danger zone unit.

"Evening," I said in Danish, I have to learn some of the basics to infiltrate, as I went past the nurse as I was taking some sleeping pills that would knock Nathan hard.

"Damn it," I said as I was struggling to get it out of the bottle. There was a nurse that was happy enough to help me. I said to her that I was an intern for the hospital and that I was not accustomed to the change.

"Oh, I'm sure you will get used to it, honey. Good luck," she said before I thanked her for opening my medicine. I went to the ward that was keeping Nathan. It was 1 AM and I went inside the room. I put the sleeping pills on the counter and I went to check his vitals, well, pretending to check them. He was shaking as he was calling for me.

The French Fiasco (Femme #2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt