Chapter 8

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Sabrina Dubois' POV

The pub was happening as ever. I was sitting with some of my co-workers around the table. Roxanne was beside me on the right and we were chatting, more like they trying to get to know me.

"So, how do you like Chicago?" a guy asked.

"It was okay. I like it here," I said as I was sipping on my tequila. They kept ordering them again and again.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" a girl asked. Everyone was eager to know about my love life.

"Well, I dumped my boyfriend back in France because he was cheating on me, and the crush that I developed since childhood was already engaged. So, no, I don't have a boyfriend," I said as I continued to sip my drinks.

Some guys were wolf-whistling as they were happy they think they had a chance to get into my pants. Well, no one can do it, mister.

"Hey, can we get some beer here?" Roxanne shouted at the bartender before he nodded that he heard her.

"So", Roxanne said, "Any interesting guy that happens to sweep you off your feet lately? I see that you are very close with our big boss," she said, wiggling her eyebrows along the way. I nervously chuckled before she looked at me to spoil everything.

"Huh, no, no I don't. I only know him this morning, not that I know where he lives or how he was doing now and then," I said.

"So, what happened to your arm?" Roxanne asked and everyone looked at me for an explanation.

"These," I showed the cast, "I had an accident when I first landed in the States. I was not looking where I was going back then and a car hit me and here the cast it is," I said. Everyone said sorry for me and wished me to get better.

After a few hours of having heavy boozes and nonstop drinks coming to our table, I felt my head lightheaded. Now, you know what that meant. Yes, I was out of control. All that I can see was that everyone was having fun at my demise as I have no collection of how I acted at that moment until that guy destroy our party.

"Woah! Motherfucker!" I shouted as I was dancing at the table and Roxanne and some other girls joined me. I was shouting, drinking, and dancing to release my stress. Ever since I landed in the States, I was not able to get loose, let alone get laid with someone.

Right now, all that I can hear was everyone cheering me to get my top off. All I was wearing right now was my blouse as I don't know when my blazer got off my body. I was so eager to give them what they want before a voice commanded me to get down from the table and scooped me into his arms.

"I suggest you get off that table right now, Sabrina or you will be punished," he said as I was so dazed to know what was going on. All that I can see was his captivating slate orbs looking at me and not very pleased.

"Nathan White, finally you came to join the party," I said giddily as I was giggling while he scooped me off the table. Everyone was looking at us like we were an old couple.

"Let's go home," he said making my co-workers look at me curiously.

"No, I don't want to go with you, you big, demanding, rude person," I said trying to stand my ground. Nate looked at me as if he would eat me alive if I don't oblige him right now. I looked at him as I was trying to go get another drink from the table before he did the unbelievable to me. He carried me like a fucking caveman as my head was looking down at his back as my ass was in the air.

"NATHAN! What are you doing?" I shouted as he just walked out of the bar before making a stop at the bartender.

"I'm sure this will cover it and next time, don't let her in here ever again unless she's with me, understood?" he said while dropping a couple of notes of hundred. The bartender just nodded before Nate get out of there.

The French Fiasco (Femme #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora