Chapter 32

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Nathan White's POV

After his talk with Sabrina, she agreed to let me be held in custody. She said that it was for my good. If we were meant to be, fate will let us unite.

"Promise me, you will never forget me," I said as I touched our forehead together as we were inside a car, a few blocks away from the train station that will take me to the airport.

"Hmm," she said as she was pulling me on the neck.

"Don't forget to eat well, you look thin since I last saw you," I said as I was trying to lighten the mood. Sabrina laughed but she was sobbing quietly as she tried to make this as painless as possible.

"You should just stay, but I think Alfred might be mad at me for not letting you go," Sabrina whispered as she looked at me. I looked inside her green orbs and I knew that it was not what I suspected but I think Alfred has a point.

"This is not a goodbye," I said as I can see she nodded at me.

"Until death does us apart?" she asked.

"Until death does us apart," I replied before I kissed her tenderly. I think I will miss the mouth for the last 5 days that I have spent with her in her old beach house in Nice.

"Until then," she replied after I broke the kiss and took my backpack.

"This is not a goodbye," I reminded her again as I went out of the car and went to the Nice Grand Metro Station. I knew that it was hard to make the steps but I have to look brave, for Sabrina. I turned for a while before I went inside the station.

I waved at her and she waved back. Her wedding ring was glistening in the sunlight and I know that my wedding ring glistened at her. I turned around and stepped inside the station. I went to buy a ticket to Paris as I knew that my old organization was waiting for me. That old man was waiting for me.

"Until next time, Nice," I said as the train moved to the destination that I was dreading going to.

"Mr. White, it's for you to show up," the director was greeting me as I looked at him. I nodded before I gave my backpack to him as he put it to the side.

"After you," he said as he urged me to get inside the plan and I did. The other agents were surrounding the private plane as it departed from Paris to the next destination, the White House.

"Mr. President said that he was ready to give you a full pardon and a reinstatement if you do give us the information about the Femme Fatale member and where they are," the old man said as I was looking outside the window. I nodded as I knew they would like to know about them.

"Great," he said before I held my hand.

"But, I do not wish to stay in the organization. I wish to be a normal citizen from now on. I have missed so much that life can give me," I said as I looked at them. The old man looked at me like I was a madman.

"But, your father—" was the last thing that he said as I interrupted him.

"My father's wish was never about this but to be free and enjoy life like he did not have the chance to do it with me," I said, narrowing my eyes at the old director before I went silent. The journey was long enough that I slept through the way.

"Nathan, we are here," the old man shook me as I was waking up from a nice dream. Sabrina, the beach house, and a normal family.

"Hmm, okay," I said as I held out my hands and I went out of the plane to the special van that they put criminals in. I never thought that I might end up like them. But, it was the system that was lacking for viewing me as a criminal and organizations like Femme Fatale as a threat to the government.

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