Chapter 12

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Nathan White's POV

Oh, White. What did you do this time?

How come you lost yourself with her? She was an asset, not your plaything, and not her.

I thought about my encounter with a certain someone in Italy during my friend's party in Rome. It was magical that night as her sweet smile, her enticing forest orbs, and her fiery, glossy mane. She looked like Sabrina Dubois. Heck, her name was even Sabrina.

But she looked older than the one that was in my house right now. I wanted to know more in detail about her when I watched her sleep beside me after our heated night together for the first time. I was surprised to see that she was a virgin. My thought was ruined when my phone rang in silence.

"White," was all I said as I knew who was calling.

"I need your report for last night, White. Where in hell have you been? You did not report back after you get out of that warehouse. How's the asset doing?" Brian's voice was at the end of the line. I sighed at his demand because he would find it strange that I did not report immediately. I always reported immediately to HQ but last night was the first and the last time I might do that mistake again.

"She's fine. I have retrieved the asset and she is at the safe house. I put the micro earbud in her ear so we can know about her location at all times," I said as I looked out the city of Chicago. I needed some time to think and I don't want to do that in front of the temptress.

"Good, we will take care of it from now. As for you, your cover has been blown. You need to take her out of the company. Tell her that she transferred somewhere. We need to eliminate any variable as much as possible," Brian said before ending the call.

I put down the phone on the table beside me before I looked outside the city again. Usually, I always knew what the next step was for my plan but with Sabrina, I was torn to let her go again or make her stay by my side.


I watched my duke friend, Lucca carrying his bride-to-be upstairs in bridal style. I was jealous, partly because I can't even have a relationship because of my agreement with the government.

But a part of me knew that rules were meant to be broken. One of the advantages of growing up without the supervision of my parents, I guess, I can do anything that I want as long as I don't get caught.

"Alone tonight?" A lady with a flawless American accent was asking me when I was just hanging out at the bar as I was just getting some drinks. I needed to get out of there because I was paranoid that my enemies were everywhere.

"No, not really. Are you?" I asked her back as I went to look at the mysterious stranger. I smiled as my eyes were greeted by luxurious pale, skinny legs that were glorious to my sight right now. I looked up from her legs to see that she wore a mini dress that barely cover her thighs.

My eyes rode with excitement when I was greeted by full ample bosoms that were begging to be touched by my hands. My hands ached to touch it. Then, I looked at her face, her eyes were glistening with mischief, like the forest as I lost in its depth.

Her manes were fiery as fire and curly as I want to run my hands through it. Her high cheekbones and those kissable, full lips. She ran her tongue on her lower lips and blood rushed toward my cock.

"Want to get out of here, handsome?" She asked as she arched her eyebrow at me.

"May I ask your name before we get out of here?" I asked as I want to remember her name.

"Sabrina, enchanted to meet you," she said as she held her hand to shake with mine.

"Nathan," I said as I shook her hand as held it with electricity. It shook every nerve in my cells and body. She arched her eyebrow when I was so shocked by the touch.

"Nice to meet you, Nathan," she said my name and I liked how it just flow out with ease.

We were back at my hotel when I just pushed Sabrina up the wall. I kissed her neck and shoulder as she moaned under my touch.

"Nathan," she said my name as blood went to my groin even more.

"Patience, darling, we have all night," I said as I went to tear her dress up.

"Oh, feisty. I like it," was all she could say before she jumped me on the bed. I was taken aback but I just let her have her way with me. I don't mind letting someone else be in control of my sexual life. I liked how she had her way with my body which left me panting and wanting more of her. She kissed me and I was in bliss.

"What have you done to me, oh my beautiful stranger?" I asked her as she was looking at me like a chestier cat that was waiting to play with me.

"What do you want me to do to you?" She replied. Oh, how I loved it when she was playing hard to get.

"I want you to ravish me," I said as I was ready to strip my clothes. She smiled before chuckling at me as she stopped me from stripping.

"We have all the time in the world. Patience, love," she said huskily as I was shown the art of making love when I was in Italy.


My phone rang waking me up from my memory of a few months ago. I went to look who was calling me. It was a private number and I picked it up as I wanted to know who was calling me.

"You think you can stop us, White? Well, think again. We have resources and money that will take you down. Just you wait," was all I could hear before the line went flat.

I checked who was calling me from my computer to try to triangulate the caller's position. It was useless because the number was untraceable.

I rubbed my face as if I was in a blank space and I don't know what to do. I sighed as I put my head inside my hands and closed my eyes. Sabrina's face came to my mind first thing as it calmed me down.

I laughed at myself for wanting to do more with her than I should. I should never drag her into my complicated, double life. It would be dangerous to her and also me, with my government on my tail every time.

I sighed before going to get some water from the fridge and went to look outside the city. It was a clear night and I was wondering what was Sabrina up to.

Sabrina Dubois' POV

Seriously, I will kill him if he ever showed up his face in front of me. The nerve of the guy kept me waiting for him to come home. He was nowhere to be found. I called him but he did not pick it up. I was about to burst out my anger when Alan came to me.

"Ms. Dubois, I suggest you sleep. It is 3 AM. Mr. White will not be coming back, he had serious business to attend to," Alan said as he was standing behind me.

"Did he now?" I said bitterly as I stood up from my seat and went inside the bedroom that we share last night. I can still feel the heated moment of our bodies entangled under the sheet and how I writhed under his touches and his wicked way with me to scream out in pleasure.

"Ms. Dubois," Alan spoke before I interrupted him.

"You're dismissed," I said as I looked out the window. He bowed curtly at me before closing the door of the bedroom. I liked how the Chicago city lighted up in the distance. It just reminded me of Paris.

I saw some flashes of something that I did not recognize. My head was dizzy when I decided to take a seat on the bed. I was holding my head when those flashes of memories were coming into my mind. I grunted before everything went black around me.


There was me at a party that I did not remember when I went to. People were talking in a different language, not French definitely. I was walking around the party when I saw someone that was sitting by the bar by himself.

I approached that guy and I can sense my heart beating faster as I went up to him. His cologne filled my nostrils and before I could see his face, I blacked out, again.

The French Fiasco (Femme #2)Where stories live. Discover now