Chapter 46: New rules

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"Yes, sir?" you replied.

"Would you mind telling me exactly what it is the Cruciatus Curse does?" he asked, and you swore a smirk turned the corners of his mouth up for just a second, but you refused to give any indication that you'd noticed it.

"It's an Unforgivable Curse, sir. It's also known as the Torture Curse, because it inflicts horribly unbearable pain on the victim. It's nearly excruciating, which is partly where the name Cruciatus Curse comes from."

"Very good," Alecto piped up. "Twenty points to Slytherin."

That was another thing the Carrows did, they blatantly favored the Slytherins. Had you been from any other House, you would've been lucky to get five points. In fact, had you been from any other House they probably would've taken points away for some mundane reason like taking too many breaths in the sentence.

You couldn't really call them out on it, though, unless you wanted to be Cruciated.

"Come to the front of the class, please, Miss Sayre?" Amycus said then, and with an expression of confusion on your face, you obliged.

"Draw your wand," he instructed, and you did, still thoroughly confused.

His eyes scanned the room, landing on a Hufflepuff boy you didn't really recognize. You'd seen him in passing, sure, but you didn't know his name by any means.

"You, Peter, come up here," he instructed then, and the yellow-robed boy hurried up to join you before Amycus at the front of the class, his own wand drawn excitedly. You had a sinking feeling about the whole thing, which was only made worse when Amycus told Peter that he didn't need his wand, only you did.

"Now, Ravena," Amycus said then, his voice growing lower by the second, "provide us with a demonstration of the Cruciatus Curse."

Your heart plummeted, and Peter's face changed instantly, the shock and terror on his face evident for everyone. The blood drained from his face as quickly as you could feel the color leaving your own, and the hand that held your wand began to tremble violently.

"Wh-what?" you asked, and Amycus rolled his eyes. "Don't be a coward. Cruciate him!"

"I—I can't do that, it's an Unforgivable Curse!" you stammered out. "I just told you that!"

"I'm your professor and this is school, Ravena," Amycus snapped. "You will do as I say."

"I can't Cruciate him, he's innocent!" you cried. "I won't do it!"

"Then it's detention," he snarled, shoving you in the direction of your seat. "After class, you will return to me."

You stumbled back to your seat, painfully aware of how many eyes were on you. You felt your face burn in embarrassment, but you hoped detention wouldn't be as bad as the rumors you had heard of it made it out to be.

You couldn't have been more wrong.

You found yourself sat in a seat farther up in the classroom once the other students had cleared out. It was you, one other Ravenclaw boy, and Alecto and Amycus Carrow, all alone in the otherwise empty Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

"You're quite bold, Ravena, flat-out refusing to do what a professor ordered you to do," Alecto sneered as Amycus pulled the Ravenclaw boy up to the front of the classroom by his arm. The poor blue-robed boy looked absolutely terrified, and you knew you didn't look any better.

"Stand up, Sayre," he ordered, and you hopped up out of your seat without even thinking about it. He grabbed your arm the same way he had grabbed the Ravenclaw boy's arm, dragging you up to the front of the classroom to face him.

The Slytherin Princess | Draco Malfoy x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang