"Honey, I know."

I also know you are about to leave to go tell him.


"You know, and you didn't think of telling me?"

What the hell is he up to now?


"You can call me selfish, but I knew the second you realize you were, you would leave here to go tell him."


I jumped into my father's arms. He knows me so well.

"I love you, dad."


I wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you too."


I pulled away and grabbed my plate.

"I need help to locate Kyle. He is Ryder's house doctor. He can confirm I'm pregnant and take me to Ryder."


"I think I can help with that."

I head out to the main area and sat down in front of the computer.

"The one thing I didn't tell Ryder is how I also do IT work for the government. So I can locate anyone."


My father has so many secrets it's not even funny.

"Dad, why did you never tell me?"


"Because I had to protect you from terrorist who kept coming after me. The less you knew, the better off you were."

There are too many Kyle on this list.

"Do you know Kyle's last name?"


I sat down next to him to look at the screen.

"I don't, but I know what he looks like."


Now that could work. I just need to pull up their driver's licenses for her to flip through.

"Here is their driver's license. Flip through these until you find him."


I pulled up to the house, and I didn't see Samuel. He told me to be here.


I gave the guys a day off today because the second we broke through the steel door, a second one came down. I could see Aaliyah looking for me. I walked up behind her to whisper into her ear.

"Looking for someone."


I turned my head towards his words, and he pulled me into a kiss. Is it terrible of me to be with the enemy? Probably, but he isn't just anyone. He's Sammie.


"Dad, I found him."

I wrote the address down and went to go change.


I walked over to the screen, and he is like thirty minutes from here.

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