Movie Night

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I looked up at him. Then I nod towards Whisper.

"He is having me hang back to keep an eye on them for a while because he doesn't trust Riccardo. So, who is going to keep an eye on the house and Whisper while I am gone?


Well, damn. I didn't think he was going to do that.

"He's never done this for any chick, so why is he doing it for this one?"


"Because your kingpin apparently is in love with my daughter. He just doesn't have the balls to admit it yet."

I went back to this floor plan to make sure I haven't missed anything.


"He is right Shooter. Ryder is in love with her, and he plans to take Riccardo out. Then he is going to bring her back home."

It's time for him to settle down anyway, and she looks out for him. I couldn't really ask for a better person for him to love if it wasn't going to be me.


"Sis, that doesn't bother you?"

It has to bother her. She has been in love with Ryder since they were kids.


Oh Whisper, you just had to go there, didn't you?


Well, that definitely caught my attention. Sounds like someone else is in love with Ryder.


I stopped looking at this map and crossed my fingers. Then I looked up at her.

"I have made peace with the fact Ryder doesn't love me like I loved him. It's time for me to move on from it and wish him the best of luck with Prissy. I give him my entire support with his choice."


"Good for you, sis, because you deserve to find the person who would do anything for you and love you just as much as you love them."

I looked at Shooter and smiled at him because I think he was mine.


I gave her a peck. She is being all lovey with me.

"Now that we have that covered, who is working on Riccardo?"


I looked up at him.

"I believe that is your territory, since Priscilla and I will be home by morning."


I giggled.

"Patrick is right. Ryder needs you to work on that with Stinky, but Stinky is spreading the word that Patrick paid Kingpin and is releasing his daughter back before morning."


I sat down at his desk and went through everything we have on Riccardo. Then I looked up.

"Don't tell Ryder I'm sitting here because there is nowhere else to sit and I am not taking this stuff outside of this room."


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