"Yes. I will swear this oath solely of my own will."

"And do you understand the consequences and implications of the oath you are about to swear?"

"Yes. I am committed to this course."

"Then approach, and make your oath." The Chamberlain stood aside for Sabrina to pass.

Sabrina walked up the narrow, candlelit aisle at the pace the Chamberlain had dictated in their rehearsals, slow enough to be seen by everybody but not so slowly as to appear reluctant. She supposed in time she might get used to having her actions so thoroughly choreographed, as if performing in an elaborate ballet, but for now it gave the scene an unreal feeling. And yet this was a very real thing she was doing, something she felt was right and knew would change her life, probably even more than the last oath she'd sworn. That had been an oath of service, which was more specific, though she dimly recalled making a pledge of fealty somewhere between her adoption by Rayland and the Regent's Oath.

She wondered if she would have felt this way if she had ever had a wedding. At Mara's wedding, she had been too busy looking for assassins and praying for things to go right to be conscious of feeling much of anything.

At last she reached the large, plush cushion at the foot of the dais, and she dropped a curtsy to Mara before kneeling on it, careful to spread her skirt so she wouldn't trip when she got back up. Then she looked up at Mara and waited for the next part, the break with tradition. Usually at this point, the monarch merely stated that all in her service must swear fealty, and asked if the subject wished to enter her service. But Mara had decided more was required of this particular ceremony.

"Welcome, my cousin, beloved daughter of my father's brother Rayland. When you first came among us a century ago, you entered my service at the request of my father the King. Neither he nor you could have foreseen what that service would come to mean, or the demands it would make of you. All the countless acts of heroism and sacrifice you made over the years have played a large part in shaping the world that you have come back to. You have never been forgotten. Every day that my husband and I live is in part due to you. Our children could not have existed had you not found the courage to act as you thought right, against overwhelming opposition. And so the crown of Praxatillus will owe you a debt down through the centuries, as long as this family endures. It seems almost redundant to ask you to swear fealty to us, whom you have helped create. But by doing so you will take your place among us again, as part of our family, part of Praxatillus. You have expressed your desire to do so, and thus I invite you to make your oath so that we may once again embrace you as our own."

"Your Majesty, my Lord Consort, your royal highnesses, my beloved cousins," Sabrina began, "I come before you today after a long absence, not of my choosing, to ask to be accepted back into the family. I thank you for your gracious welcome, and hereby pledge my loyalty and service to Her Majesty the Queen and her heirs. I promise to act at all times in the best interests of Her Majesty and the people of Praxatillus, to strive for their welfare and protection. Should I ever deliberately break this oath, my life is forfeit. This I swear, on the eternal Trees."

Mara nodded and got to her feet, walking over to the cushion to take Sabrina's hands and help her to rise. Then she kissed her cheek and turned to the audience. "I hereby confirm you as lady of the estate of Fibräaé and a member of the royal family, with all the privileges pertaining thereunto. We rejoice in your return."

"As do I," Sabrina replied.

"Citizens of Praxatillus," Mara said, as Sabrina turned to face the audience with her, "I present to you my kinswoman, Lady Sabrina ya Tassan nar Hamilton-Devon, a heroine in our past and now, once again, a bright part of our future."

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