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One of the Conservator's many assistants escorted Sabrina back to her apartment—not through Mara's rooms, she was amused to note—and left her in the care of Lady Selémahs, who had come to visit.

"Have you had breakfast?" Sabrina asked her, trying to shift gears and play hostess. All she really wanted to do was sleep some more.

"No, I will breakfast with Leran a little later," Selémahs replied. "You are welcome to join us. But I came to inquire after you; I was worried."

"Worried? Why?" Sabrina asked, running a hand through her hair in yet another futile attempt to keep it out of her face.

"I felt a disturbance in the Great Crystal last night. I sensed you were part of it."

"Great," Sabrina groaned, before she could stop herself. "Are you telling me all of Praxatillus sensed that?"

Selémahs smiled. "No. Only the Miahns most in touch with the Crystal. And of those, only those who know you would have recognized you. Do not be worried, Sabrina. It is not that unusual for the Great Crystal to be used to heal damage done to a mind, though it is nearly always a Miahn who requires it." She paused, her eyes darkening in concern again. "I...thought I also sensed Niavar. I hope he came through it as well as you did?"

"Oh, he's just fine!" Sabrina tried, without success, to keep the bitterness out of her voice. As Selémahs' expression became inquiring, she continued, "He wasn't having a problem. He came along to force me into the treatment. I didn't want to do it."

"Oh," Selémahs said, and then stopped, considering. Sabrina watched in wry amusement as the Miahn swallowed an impulse to defend Ford, whom she seemed to consider a foster son. "Well, I am very sorry you were put through such an ordeal against your will. If such drastic measures were necessary I am surprised Her Majesty was not informed."

"How do you know she wasn't?" Sabrina asked, curious.

"Because she was not there," Selémahs replied. "I worked with her closely for many years. I would have sensed her, had she been any part of last night's activities."

"Oh." Sabrina sighed. "Well, I'm fine, Selémahs, but thanks for coming to check. I really just want to catch up on my sleep, I think. And then I have a lot of business to do." Today the thought of Fibräaé beckoned her, with its peaceful seclusion and the chance to go meditate on her adopted father's grave. And to see Éllina again, though that would doubtless be bittersweet. I wonder if I'll recognize her any more than I would have recognized Tassan?

"Of course," Selémahs said. "My husband and I plan to remain here for another few days before returning home. He sends his greetings this morning, and wanted me to tell you how much he enjoyed seeing you at dinner the other day. Please do not hesitate to come to us for anything you need, Lady Sabrina."

"Thank you. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all your help," Sabrina told her.

"We enjoy helping you," Selémahs said simply. She smiled and left.

Sabrina went into the bathroom, intending to wash her face, get undressed, and go to bed. But the water felt so good that she decided to take a bath instead, and relax with a long, hot soak. It was so relaxing that she fell asleep, and was awakened some time later by someone calling her name in a rather exasperated maternal tone.

"What?" she yawned, blinking, irritated at being pulled from her deep sleep.

"Honestly, Sabrina," Mara said, "if this sort of self-neglect is what you intend to indulge yourself in while I'm away, I shall have to see that you have more than a bodyguard! A nursemaid might be more apt."

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