Chapter 19.3

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Four hours later, Sabrina was scowling at a screen on Khediva's main control panel, rubbing at her forehead in a vain attempt to stave off a headache. "Can't you do something about this, Khediva?"

The Wayship sighed. "You are the one who had to go embroil yourself in Realm security concerns, Sabrina. I cannot translate High Praxatillian for you in any meaningful way; English does not have the appropriate counterparts."

"But that's exactly why I need a translation!" Sabrina protested. "I never could read this stuff even as Regent."

"Niavar is coming aboard. Perhaps he may be of help," Khediva said, sounding dubious but hopeful.

Yeah, that's just what he needs after whatever the Committee did to him, to spend an hour walking me through this stupid form...I don't even know if I'm brave enough to ask, she thought. But she turned what she hoped was a warm, sympathetic smile toward the corner of the control deck where Khediva generally brought people aboard, ready to try to lift his spirits.
So she was completely unprepared when Ford arrived with a huge smile and bright eyes. "Sabrina!" he shouted. "They've given me back my ship!"

"Wha—" she managed to say faintly before he caught her up in a breathtaking hug and swung her around in a circle.

"They've given me back my ship!" he repeated, setting her on her feet again and beaming down at her. "You know that expendable failed Wayfarer candidate I told you they'd hand it over to? Well, it's me!"


"The bureaucratic documentation took forever. I've got to forward it on to Mother as soon as possible to make sure none of it conflicts with any of my oaths, but what it boils down to is that I'm to be considered a sort of auxiliary member of the Wayfarers. None of the privileges—well, a few—and all the responsibilities, but it lets me keep my ship! It's to be considered Homeworld's property, but entrusted to me as long as I keep to the conditions of the deal. I'll be given assignments from time to time, but other than that I'll be able to travel as I did before!"

Sabrina stared at him, barely taking it all in. "Oh Ford, I'm so glad!" she managed at last.

He laughed and hugged her again. "It's better than I ever expected! Lady Chavadanafra intervened on my behalf. It was her suggestion." Holding Sabrina at arm's length, Ford demanded, "Did you talk to her?"

"No," Sabrina said. "I threatened to, but I didn't. Tirqwin must have."

Ford grinned. "I've got to tell him! Where is he?"

"On the station. With Scotty. They're...." Sabrina felt her voice fail her and swallowed, shrugging.

"Oh," Ford said, his joy dropping away from him abruptly. "I'm sorry, Sabrina. I know it's not what you wanted."

She shrugged again. "This isn't about what I want. It never has been." She sighed and squared her shoulders. "I need your help, Ford."

"With what?" He looked worried.

"Translating. I can't make heads or tails of High Praxatillian, and I think Imari sent me this particular form just to be irritating."

"What?" Ford looked at the screen she was pointing at and frowned. "What is this? Security risk...conditional and temporary suspension of oath of loyalty.... Sabrina, what is this?"

She sighed again. "They think if they can have a download of my memories, the computer can use that as a baseline to feed Scotty his in some kind of correct chronological order. But to give them that, I've got to have permission, because there are still some state secrets wandering around in my memories. So they let me link to Praxatillus and explain, and they forwarded me a pack of forms to fill out. At the end I have to get permission for another real-time linkup and do some kind of oath-suspending ceremony with Mara. But Rassir told me to read all these very carefully, and I can't get anywhere with this language!"

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