Chapter 10: Going Home

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Sabrina never remembered much of that night. She woke the next morning, bathed and dressed in infirmary coveralls, in the bed beside Ford's. Lieutenant Lndor now occupied one on Ford's other side, and Aurora was there, watching over all of them. When she saw that Sabrina was awake, she came to her bedside. "Good morning, Lady Sabrina. How do you feel?"

Sabrina blinked back tears. "Has there been any word about my brother?"

"Too soon," Aurora said. She looked down for a moment. "I am...more sorry than I can say. He was... I am honored to have known him."

"You were with him, the last person to see him, weren't you?" Sabrina asked. When Aurora nodded, she said, "Tell me what happened. Please."

Aurora was not able to tell Sabrina how Scotty had detonated the explosion, though she could guess; the rest of their story she told in as much detail as Sabrina could absorb, smoothly and logically. It occurred to Sabrina that Aurora had already been through this, making her formal report. When she finished, they sat in silence for a while.

"Where's Mara?" Sabrina asked at last, sitting up.

"She is with High Tirqwin Asnefer. They are deciding what to do next. If you feel well enough, I am sure they would welcome your opinions."

Sabrina shook her head. Physically she felt all right, though still tired and battered. But she didn't have the spirit to face Asnefer or deal with interplanetary politics. "How is Lndor?"

"He will recover, though it may take some time. Her Majesty has had several sessions with him. We are hopeful he will regain his full mental functions and that his personality has survived intact, though it may be several days before we can know for sure."

"And Ford?"

Aurora smiled. "Ford is indestructible. He needs to rest for a day or so, and then he will be his old self. Which reminds me, the Queen asked me to relay her request that you do what you can to see that he does rest. He is a famously bad patient. Her Majesty seemed to think you would be more successful at influencing him than the rest of us."

Sabrina gave a little snort, which Aurora chose to ignore. "I have spoken to my parents," the Miahn continued. "They send their warmest greetings. My mother is delighted that she will shortly see you again, and asked me to tell you that she is certain all will be well. She said that you are not the only person who can do the impossible."

A shaky laugh escaped Sabrina. "That sounds like Selémahs. She was always fond of Scotty."

"Yes," Aurora said. "And of you."

"I can't wait to see her again," Sabrina said. She was silent for a while. "It will be so strange, though. It will all be so different. It's been so long."

"You have many friends waiting to see you," Aurora said. "My mother asked if there was anyone you would like her to notify."

"I...I don't know," Sabrina said. "I... There's someone, but I should do it myself, I think. When...when will we be going back?"

"I am not sure. The fleet plans to leave tomorrow, I believe, but Her Majesty may well return before then. I have not been informed of your travel arrangements, if any have been made." Aurora smiled reassuringly. "We can ask Her Majesty. She plans to have lunch with you, if you feel well enough."

"I feel fine," Sabrina said. "I don't need to be hospitalized."

"It was merely for observation," Aurora said. "They did treat your face, and give you some nutritional supplements. But you are free to go if you like. There is a cabin prepared, and Tirqwin sent over some of your clothes from Khediva before he left."

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