Chapter 4: Reunion

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Scotty paused at the entrance to the Throne Room. He was surprised at the dilapidation of the wing of the palace they'd crossed; it looked as if it hadn't been used in years. Nearly a century, perhaps. He wondered what the Stanosians had been up to and where their new lab was, and then he hoped devoutly that his sister hadn't found it.

Aurora was aiming the scanner through the doorway. "I register three lifeforms," she told him. "One is not Stanosian."

"Then it's either Mara or Tirqwin," Scotty concluded. "Let's go."

None of the lifeforms was immediately visible as they stepped into the large room with its glass-domed ceiling. There was less dust here; this room was evidently used from time to time. Sunlight streamed down onto the throne, carved from blood-red stone and sitting on an iron dais. Nothing about it had changed since Scotty had seen King Qazhan sitting there all those years ago.

Scotty and Aurora had kept one of the huge support columns between them and the throne, peering cautiously around it. Aurora made a careful survey with the scanner. "The two Stanosians are at the far entrance. The other lifeform is near the throne, on the other side of it, I think."

"We won't be able to get there without the guards seeing us, then," Scotty said. "Let's get over to the throne, keep it between us and them, and keep our heads down. Then we'll stun the guards."

Aurora paused a moment. "All right. Captain, I must tell you, the interference is growing worse. My headache is growing. I do not think it will affect me, but I do not know how it might affect the Queen or Tirqwin."

"So I might have to carry whichever of 'em it is out of here? Well, if that's what it takes, I will," he resolved. "Thanks. Let's go. Keep low."

For once, Scotty noted with surprise, things went according to plan. They crept over to the near side of the throne, aimed their stunners at the guards, and fired simultaneously. The guards slid to the ground with only faint noises of protest. Scotty didn't wait for Aurora to confirm their unconsciousness; he swung himself around the front of the throne. He had to stop short to avoid trampling the slight figure hunched over her knees, her long raven-black hair streaming loose like a veil.

"Mara!" Scotty cried, his heart leaping in joyful recognition. He bent down to take her arms and remembered to key his exterior com. "Mara!"

She shrank away from him, and behind the hair falling across her face he caught a glimpse of wide, terrified violet eyes. Scotty let go of her arm and reached up to remove his helmet. "Mara, it's me, Scotty!"

She stared at him in silent mystification, and his grin faltered. "Hey..." he said. "I know it's been a while, but...oh come on, Mara, you recognize me! You have to! It's me!"

Aurora knelt beside him and took off her own helmet. "Your Majesty?" she said gently.

Mara turned the same frightened, unrecognizing gaze on her chief attendant. Aurora gave a little sigh, then seemed to collect herself again. "We are your friends. We're here to help you, take you home," she said, very softly. "My name is Aurora. You've known me since I was born. And this is your cousin Scotty. We're so happy we've found you, and we want to take you home."

"I...don't remember," Mara said, in a small voice.

Scotty turned away for a moment, biting his lip and closing his eyes tight against the memories her voice evoked. Her appearance hadn't changed much since he'd last seen her, on Allyria. But she sounded like the young girl they'd rescued from the Xoentrols—a lifetime ago, it seemed.

"Your memory will return," Aurora soothed. "Will you come with us?"

"I was told to wait," Mara said uncertainly.

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