Chapter 11.1

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She was surprised to find that Selémahs' rooms were in the same building as hers. Ford told her that Aurora now occupied the rooms allotted to the chief attendant, of course, adding that many people who had been displaced after the Battle for Dansestari had chosen not to move out of their temporary accommodations after reconstruction was complete, having grown used to them.

"Not that the entire palace has been rebuilt, of course," he added. "A lot of what was ruined in the Xoentrol War has stayed ruins. The Grand Ballroom, for instance. Mother keeps saying she's going to rebuild it, but there seem to have always been other priorities."

"So Selémahs and Leran live here, then?"

"No, they have houses in Tythir, Mthalgar, and Garbidon, and they spend some time each spring in the Tree Cities. They only keep these rooms for when they come to see Aurora, or have to attend a court function," Ford explained. "Aurora and I used to go out to Tythir a lot when we were kids. Mother said the country air was good for us. We had a lot of fun exploring."

"I like Aurora," Sabrina said. "I wish I could be like her, pushing people where I wanted them to go with such serenity, without them even realizing it."

Ford grinned. "That's Aurora, all right. It makes her perfect for her job, you must admit. Ah, here we are." He pushed open the door without any pretense at knocking, and Sabrina wondered if he felt especially at home here, or if he entered everyone's rooms so carelessly.

A small, discreet chime announced their entrance, and a moment later their hostess arrived. Sabrina had hung back a bit, so she had a chance to look at her old friend as she greeted Ford with a smiling hug. "Your highness, welcome home," Selémahs said. "I'm happy to tell you you're being regarded as a hero. I always knew you had it in you!"

Ford grinned at her. "Thanks, Lady Selémahs. You remember my cousin, of course?"

"Of course," Selémahs' warm smile made Sabrina feel glad to be back for the first time. "Lady Sabrina, welcome home at last!"

Sabrina started to curtsey, but Selémahs gracefully prevented her with a light embrace. Startled at first, Sabrina managed to hug back briefly before Selémahs withdrew. "Thank you," Sabrina said. "I'm so glad to see you again. There's so much to say! Congratulations on your marriage, and on Aurora. She's wonderful."

"Thank you," Selémahs replied. She had aged a little, but not as much as Sabrina would have expected. Her blonde hair had faded more, but her eyes were still bright, and her face was so serene that age had hardly marked it. "I have often missed you, Lady Sabrina. And your brother. I hope you have had good news of him?"

"No news yet," Sabrina said. "I'm...keeping my hopes up."

"Good," Selémahs said. "I have every hope as well that Scotty will prove to be indestructible, as he always seemed to believe. I would be very sad not to see him again." Seeing Sabrina's control waver, she added cheerfully, "My husband sends his warmest greetings. He did not want to add to the first overwhelming group of people waiting to meet you and asked me to tell you that he will come when you have had some time to settle in."

"That's kind of him," Sabrina said. "Thank him for me. There are so many people I want to see. He's definitely one of them. But I hope I can do it one at a time."

Selémahs grimaced. "I had hoped so too, but I'm afraid your Aunt Imari has other ideas. Do forgive me. I could not overrule her."

"What now?" Ford groaned.

"The entire Council of Ministers is waiting in my sitting room," Selémahs confessed. "Lady Imari insisted on an official welcoming reception. At least I was able to persuade her to forego inviting the entire Council of Trême, on the grounds that Lady Sabrina is not Miahn—I am sorry, Sabrina."

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