Chapter 15: Going On

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Sabrina tried to keep her mind focused on the simple tasks of getting ready to face the day, rearranging some of the things she'd unpacked upon her arrival as she forged what she hoped would become a daily routine. During her life on Earth, she'd found it helpful to be able to devote her mind to what lay in wait at the office while her body went about a mindless routine of showering, dressing, and eating breakfast.

She finished brushing her hair, then pulled it back from her face with a pair of silver combs she'd brought from Earth. They'd been a gift from Cynthia, she recalled, and wished desperately that her friend was here to console her. Maybe she could convince Ford to take her back to Earth for a visit. On the other hand, her mind boggled at trying to explain any of the truth, even to her closest friend.

You've got to concentrate, she told her reflection sternly. Go to breakfast and try to convince Ford you're not having a nervous breakdown.

She had to pull herself together. It was one thing to have nightmares; that was understandable. But the rest of the time she needed to function normally, keeping all the horror and anxiety walled off.

Sabrina took a deep breath. I can do this. I really can. It's just breakfast. One thing at a time.

With a smile that didn't quite make it past a grimace, she turned away from the mirror and headed for the door.


Ford set a steaming plate of Praxatillian sausages in front of her as she sat down at the kitchen table. "I'm not feeling very creative this morning," he explained, sitting down with his own plate and pouring himself a glass of juice from the pitcher in the center of the table.

"That's fine. I'm not really all that hungry," she replied. But the smell of the sausages was catching her stomach's attention, and she began eating.

Ford was about to put his first forkful in his mouth when his comlink went off. He scowled. "Somebody must be serious about finding me. May I use your console?"

"Please feel free," Sabrina replied.

While he was gone, she finished off her sausages and found herself eyeing Ford's rapidly cooling ones. Her better nature prevailed, however, and she got up and found some pastries to top off the meal instead.

Ford returned, looking disgruntled, and pushed his plate away, ignoring his breakfast. "I'm afraid I've got to go down to Bathir today. Some pressing business they can't do without me, evidently."

Sabrina wistfully reflected that she might as well have eaten his sausages. "Well, you are the ruling prince, after all."

"Not by my choice," he grumbled. "I might be there some time. Once they get hold of me, they don't tend to let me leave again until I've waded through all the bureaucracy and done a few appearances for form's sake."

"Oh," Sabrina said, a distinct feeling of dread washing over her. " long, do you think?" Please don't leave me alone here for days and days, she thought desperately.

"Maybe as much as a week. I don't know." He folded his arms and frowned at the wall.

Sabrina put down her pastry, having lost her appetite, and stared at her plate blankly. The thought of staying here by herself, without Ford to stave off her memories and anxieties, was overwhelming. "You' me, if you get a chance?" she ventured, hating how pathetic, how needy she sounded.

Ford glanced at her in surprise, then frowned again. "I can't leave you here like this. I'll be worried about you."

"I'll be okay."

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