Chapter 11: Praxatillus

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Before Sabrina was quite ready, they were emerging into normal space at the edge of the Praxera system. As Ford stood at the main control console in the strange synergy with his ship, with Rudolf standing by to execute any emergency orders, Sabrina sat on a nearby chair, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. She tried to look happy when Ford proudly displayed the image of his home on the wallscreen, but she knew she had failed when he turned back to his console, not quite quickly enough to hide his crestfallen expression.

"It's more beautiful than I remembered," she offered, going to stand beside him. "Thank you for showing me. I...It's odd, but I haven't seen it much from orbit." She paused, trying to remember the last time. Her comings and goings had been so hurried; she retained no memory of looking down at the globe from her frantic journey to and from the Homeworld ship Sentinel the night of the Battle for Dansestari. "I think the last time I had a chance to look at it was the day we brought Mara home to be Queen. She was so sad." She remembered the scene very clearly. "Tirqwin was in agony over losing her but wouldn't admit it; Scotty and I were worried we wouldn't fit in. It felt like our family was being torn apart. We were all orphans then. We were all any of us had, really. It wasn't a happy homecoming."

Ford listened curiously, as he always did when she talked of her earlier life on Praxatillus. "I know you are anxious, Sabrina, but this should be a happy homecoming. Certainly there are many people down there who will be happy to welcome you."

Sabrina mustered a smile. "Well, I don't suppose I'll get arrested this time, so it's bound to be happier."

He chuckled. "I can guarantee that no one would dare. Ready?"

She shied away from his outstretched hand. "No. Not yet. I—I don't know—" She cast him a look of appeal. "What do I wear?"

Ford burst out laughing, then tried hurriedly to get himself back under control as he realized she was in earnest. "I think you look fine," he said, casting an approving look over her turquoise dress.

"But is it formal enough? I wish you'd let me stop to buy clothes," she complained, remembering their argument with indignation.

"Mother said to bring you home. She said nothing about a shopping expedition. Besides, you'll want someone at home to advise you about the latest fashions," he replied. "Don't worry, Sabrina! I keep telling you, there's no formal reception until Mother gets back."

"Yes," she retorted, eyeing him narrowly, "but I know you Praxatillians! Your idea of an informal little gathering is formal enough to make me shake in my borrowed boots! And Imari is bound to be there, watching for any little mistake. And God knows how many other people who didn't know me and are expecting a royal paragon! Oh, why didn't Mara tell a few real stories about me from time to time and set people straight? She certainly never had trouble slandering me when we lived aboard Khediva!"

"Come now, Sabrina, where's your sense of politics?" Ford grinned. "Your memory pinned up the peace treaty all through the first difficult years. How could Mother have undermined that without endangering her own rule? Naturally she made you out to be some kind of gracious oracle. Now come along. The sooner you get it over with, the better you'll feel."

He took her hand and pulled her toward the transport capsule. Sabrina was tempted to dig in her heels, but she suspected he was capable of dragging her bodily along if she did. "I think Mara did it just because she knew how much I'd hate it," she grumbled. "I signed up to be her attendant, and then Mistress of the Household, and then, God help me, Lady Regent, but I never, ever, volunteered to be a living legend! Can't I change my name, go incognito?"

"Cousin! You can't disown us before you've even met the rest of the family," Ford laughed, and shut the capsule door behind them. A moment later, he opened it and stepped out. This time he did have to pull Sabrina out of the capsule. "Don't be afraid! There's no one here," he coaxed, trying not to laugh, his eyes sparkling but somehow sympathetic.

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