Chapter 14: Heart's Journey

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Sabrina felt too worn and battered to contemplate going to Fibräaé just yet, so she went to her study and tried to watch Tassan's holo-letters to her. The first one sent her into a paroxysm of grief and regret, and she fled to her bed and sobbed herself to sleep. Fleeting, troubling dreams of him came to her, as his face changed from the familiar young one to that of the near-stranger she had visited yesterday. Sabrina felt as if she had become unrooted, and was no longer sure which time she was in, or what planet she was on—she knew only that she couldn't reach Tassan, no matter how desperately she tried.

Then, at last, she felt his hand warm and gentle against her face, brushing a stray strand of pale hair away and then stroking her hair as if to comfort her. She caught his hand, pressed it against her lips, and murmured, "Thank God. Don't leave me."

His hand squeezed hers in a reassuring answer. Sabrina smiled and drifted into a more peaceful sleep.


She woke sometime later, noting that it was full daylight but with no idea how long she'd slept. She still grasped a hand tightly in hers on the pillow beside her, and she smiled drowsily at it, rubbing her thumb along the back of it. Such a beautiful hand, she thought, with those long, thin fingers, young and strong.

Then she jerked fully awake as realization hit her: it could not be Tassan's hand. Instead, she found Ford slumped over in a chair beside her bed, dozing in what looked like a terribly uncomfortable position. He must have come to see her, and not wanted to disturb her after she latched onto him, she thought in chagrin. She tried to remember what she had said in her dream, and hoped devoutly she hadn't spoken any of it aloud. That's all I need. As if I haven't humiliated myself enough in front of him. Why can't he leave me alone? He's the ruler of the biggest, richest principality on the planet, he must have a zillion things to be doing, so why is he hovering over me like an overanxious watchdog?

There was something touching about his concern, but Sabrina was too emotionally bruised to appreciate it. She just wanted to be left alone for a while while she tried to work out how to deal with, or even think about, this new life that had been thrust upon her. If Scotty's life hadn't hung in the balance, she thought she might very well have insisted on going home to Earth. She could go visit Aunt Euphrasia, who would give her space if she asked for it, or Cynthia, who would give it unasked. Or even just back to her own apartment, with her own things, and Tristan.... She blinked back tears as she thought of her cat, whose soothing warm purring had always been a balm to her. How she missed him.

She eased her hand away from Ford's and sat up, preparing to slide past him. The bed creaked slightly, and his eyes flew open, scanning the room briefly before locking onto her. "Hi," he said, smiling a little ruefully as he rubbed at his neck. "I, uh, came to see how you were, and I...guess I was a little more tired than I realized."

"You look it," she replied. "In fact you look like you should be in bed."

His smile vanished and his gaze dropped at her cool, flat tone. "I probably should be," he admitted. "I'm sorry to have intruded. Morning visitors are the worst, I know." He got awkwardly to his feet. "Is there anything I can get for you? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," she snapped, then regretted it as his shoulders slumped a little. She felt like she was kicking a puppy. Forcing her voice to be calm and at least partly friendly, she added, "Ford, I...I know you were trying to help me. I appreciate your good intentions. I really do. But...I just need some time. All right?"

"Of course," he murmured. He glanced at her, seeming to consider whether to say anything more or just leave. She could see him lean toward the latter, actually swaying a bit toward the door, before he said, "But are you sure there's nothing I can do for you? You look sad."

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