Chapter 13.1

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Sabrina didn't get a chance to speak to Ford until the party broke up and he smoothly cut in on Baldaran's offer to escort her home. "Sorry, Baldaran," he said, "but you have to let me make it up to her that I didn't escort her here."

Baldaran glanced at Sabrina, smiled, and wished them both good night. Ford and Sabrina said their own good-byes and followed a few minutes later. The quiet corridor seemed a relief after the drawing room, and neither of them spoke for a few minutes as they made their way down to the main doors of the Residence.

"I do have to apologize," Ford said when they were outside in the Queen's Garden. "I got involved in a project, and the time got away from me. It wasn't meant as a slight."

"I know," she smiled at him. "I'm afraid your sister took it as one, though."

Ford sighed. "Well, that's nothing new." He looked at her, a faint grin tugging at his mouth. "Was she deploring all my character flaws to you?"

"What makes you think that?"

His grin grew. "You looked over at me as if I were your own little pet project, and then you said something to her that made her purse up her lips. Let me guess. She tried to warn you to shun my company, and you announced your intention to reform me."

Sabrina couldn't resist a chuckle. "Not exactly. But isn't that what you meant when you asked me to be your defender to the family?"

"In a way, I suppose. But it won't do any good defending me to Kashmia!"

"I know. That's why I didn't." She smiled at his surprised expression. "After all, anyone could see it was a hopeless battle, when you were so late! Besides, she paid you a compliment, in a backhanded way."

"Did she?" Ford's eyebrows arched in astonishment.

"She warned me against your charm."

Ford laughed, as she'd intended him to. Sabrina grinned and continued, "I couldn't figure out why until she started telling me that you were the Realm's most eligible bachelor and had left a trail of broken hearts behind you."

Ford's grin vanished. "I was an arrogant idiot when I was younger, Sabrina. It's not something I'm proud of, or ever wish to repeat."

"We all go through the arrogant idiot phase," she told him. "I think your main problem must have been that you had to do it in front of an interplanetary audience."

He was silent until they reached her door, and he said, "Now I think I know why Father likes you so much."

"Why?" she asked, curious.

He shook his head and smiled. "Good night, Cousin. Is there anything you need?"

"Ford! You can't not tell me!" she protested.

He grinned. "Well, now that you've been told of my deplorable character and met all my superior siblings, I have to have some little bait to lure you into my company!"


"I'll tell you someday, perhaps. But not tonight. Sleep well, Cousin."

"With that cryptic remark hovering over me? Not likely!" she flung at his retreating back.


Ford's remark kept Sabrina company as she got ready for bed, and she kept turning it over in her mind as she tried to go to sleep, until she realized it was a useless exercise. Then, tired despite herself, she dropped off, only to find that her subconscious had been preoccupied with very different matters. She dreamed that Tassan came to her, plunged his hand into her chest, and pulled out—nothing. There was simply an empty space where her heart should have been, and his eyes accused her of cheating him, for she held his own strongly beating heart in her hand.

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