Chapter 10.2

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Mara came in several hours later to find Sabrina and Ford laughing together comfortably, as if they'd been friends all their lives. She smiled, meaning to ask what was so funny, but Ford caught sight of her and called, "Mother! Come to check on me? I'm behaving perfectly, as ordered."

"I am impressed. And quite grateful," she told him, kissing his forehead in greeting. "The last thing I need with a High Tirqwin aboard is a princely tantrum. Good morning, Sabrina. You look lovely today, and I'm very pleased you are finding your task a pleasure. I was wondering whether I should feel guilty about asking you to do this."

"Is there any word about Scotty?" Sabrina asked anxiously.

"Khediva has reached Kaldoun, and they are attempting to gain permission to proceed into Homeworld space. Tirqwin can't go there without it, much less bring Scotty," Mara said.

Sabrina remembered that was one of the stipulations of the treaty between Homeworld and Praxatillus. She sighed. "Does he...does he go home often, Mara? Are they used to him, or is this a big deal?"

"He has been back about as often as any Wayfarer normally is," Mara replied, "which, of course, is not much. I don't think they regard him with nearly as much suspicion as they used to. Of course, this request may change that. It is hard to predict how Homeworld will behave."

Sabrina's hands writhed together, but otherwise she remained outwardly calm. Mara smiled sympathetically and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Come and eat lunch with us," she said. "Asnefer has expressed a wish to meet you again."

"She probably just wants to interrogate me about how I got here," Sabrina said. "She nearly made Tirqwin insist on my telling him."

"Mm." Mara frowned thoughtfully. "I do not think Asnefer should be informed before Tirqwin is. And I do not think we want Homeworld to get wind of this until after they have agreed to treat Scotty, if possible. We will try to gloss over it. If necessary, a little misdirection will suffice. I shall say that our Prime Minister sent for you, which is true, and imply that the Great Crystal was used in some way. It is not beyond belief; they do not know very much about the Great Crystal in general."

"I think we should move Ford's ship out of orbit as soon as possible," Sabrina said.

"I have already had it towed into one of the docking bays," Mara said. "I did not want Shahina to look it over at leisure."

Ford said, "Don't trouble yourself, Sabrina; Mother always thinks of everything."

"Does she?" Sabrina said, trying not to sound doubtful as she regarded Mara curiously.

Mara gave one of her silvery laughs. "Well, most of the time, at any rate! I had very good teachers."

"You don't need me around at all, do you?" Sabrina said, trying for a light tone and failing. Of course she didn't; she was no longer the young, untried Queen Sabrina had left behind. Ninety-two years of rule had to have given her more wisdom and experience than Sabrina had ever dreamed of imparting.

"Nonsense," Mara said, in a warm, maternal tone that Sabrina recognized as an echo of her own, long ago. It was, somehow, the last straw. Sabrina had to look away and put her hand over her mouth to keep from bursting into tears.

Mara stifled a sigh and glanced at Ford, who was looking at Sabrina in concern. After a moment, he said, "Come now, Cousin. Even if my omnipotent parent has no urgent need of you, I'm desperately in need of intelligent conversation. And it seems to be the general opinion that I'm desperately in need of being taken in hand as well. So, having done so well with Mother, why not turn to a new project and see if you can reform me?"

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