Chapter 17.2

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The air in the research station felt funny to Sabrina; the atmosphere had a slightly different composition than Ford's ship, which was set to Praxatillus normal. Ford had assured her that it wouldn't harm them, and that she'd adjust to the slightly lower level of oxygen gradually. Sabrina remembered reading once about a team climbing Mt. Everest and how they had made camp for a couple of weeks partway up to give their bodies time to adjust to the thinner air. She supposed she'd be tired at first, but she'd adjust.

Ford led her through the little antechamber off the airlock and into a larger room, where two people awaited them. Tirqwin was nowhere to be seen; Sabrina didn't know whether to be relieved or worried.

"Sabrina," Ford said, "this is Hatmashetu Bakuri, director of station operations, and Dr. Shekeri Renkayta, head of the genetic research department." He switched to the Wayfarer language, which Sabrina didn't understand well, and introduced her.

"Khediva, are you there? Can you translate for me?" she murmured, panicked at the thought of not being able to talk to Scotty's doctors herself.

"I'm here, child," Khediva's voice said. Sabrina heard her as if she were in the room, but none of the others seemed to. Suddenly she could understand what Bakuri was saying.

"—but you should have discussed it with me before you left."

"Yes, sir," Ford said. "I apologize for not consulting you. But I was afraid if I brought it up through official channels, I'd get an official 'no.' I thought once she was here it would be harder for them to deny permission."

"You made a mistake," Bakuri said, his voice stern but dispassionate. "If we had not already been pushing our request through channels, you would have been denied, and your attempt could have cast doubt on the wisdom of this experiment. But, it is done."

Renkayta said, "It's not quite done. I'm glad I do not have to be the one to inform the Tirqwin. You had better get that over with before you come to the lab; I won't allow that sort of scene to interrupt my team."

"Yes, I agree," Ford said. He looked down at Sabrina. "Did you understand any of that?"

"Yes," she said. "Let's get it over with. Where is Tirqwin? Does he know we're here?"

"No," Bakuri said. "Unless his Wayship has told him."

"She hasn't," Sabrina said.

Bakuri and Renkayta looked at her, astonished. Sabrina glanced at Ford, wondering if she'd made a blunder, but then Renkayta said, "Of course. You lived aboard her along with your brother. She speaks to you."

There was a note of respect in her voice. Sabrina wondered if speaking to Wayships was considered unusual.

"I will ask the Tirqwin to come here," Bakuri said as he and Renkayta left, obviously unwilling to witness the scene they were expecting.

"Khediva?" Sabrina said aloud.

"Yes, Sabrina. It will not be pleasant, I am afraid," Khediva said.

Ford heard her too this time. "I'm sorry, Khediva. But I knew he'd never let me if I told him what I was going to do."

"I know," Khediva sighed. "And you were right, Niavar. But do not expect him to admit it."

"I won't argue with him. I promised Sabrina," Ford replied, grimacing.

Khediva was silent for a moment. Then she said, "Well. This should be interesting in more ways than one, then."

Sabrina heard footsteps in the corridor and grabbed Ford's hand. They shared a quick glance and then moved apart, facing the door as Tirqwin entered.

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