Chapter 10.3

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The conference room was a surprisingly luxurious one, Sabrina thought. She had imagined it would be utilitarian, but obviously this wasn't the first high-level meeting it had contained. There was an elegant, light lunch on the table, and Aurora, Asnefer, and someone she didn't recognize were gazing at it rather wistfully.

"I am sorry we are late," Mara said cheerfully as they entered. "Please go ahead and help yourselves; I do not intend to stand upon protocol. My son will be joining us in a moment, but he will simply have to take the leavings." She grinned at Sabrina and went to pick up a plate. Asnefer paused only to nod a greeting at Sabrina before joining her.

"Sabrina, welcome," Aurora said, drawing her over to where the other member of the conference sat. "I would like to introduce Toren. He is one of the operatives from Homeworld, and a great help to Scotty and myself in our escape. Toren, this is Lady Sabrina, Scotty's sister."

Sabrina wasn't sure whether to smile or weep at the identification. She put her hand out, and Toren shook it firmly, saying, "I'm honored. Your brother saved my life, I think. You should be proud of him."

"I am," she replied, blinking back tears. "I hope to be able to tell him so."

"Yes, I heard he was gravely hurt. I am sorry."

"We're hoping Homeworld may be able to help him," Sabrina said, encouraged by Toren's sympathetic expression. "Would you...put in a word for him?"

"I would be happy to," Toren said, "but I doubt my word is worth much on Homeworld right now. I have, after all, failed most spectacularly in my mission."

Aurora intervened. "You contributed to its ultimate success, however, and that must weigh against your being taken off guard in the beginning." She handed Toren a plate she had filled for him, and Sabrina noticed for the first time the cane leaning against his chair. "You're hurt," she said.

"A little souvenir from Stanos," he said. "I am unfortunately not quite so hardy as your brother, who seems to have disproven the impression I was given that Earthers are rather fragile."

"Well," Aurora chuckled, "you should have asked one of us. Anyone on Praxatillus could have told you differently!"

"Yes," Toren said. "Our peoples have not talked enough, that is certain."

"Sabrina," Mara called, "come and eat. Tirqwin will be furious if he returns to find you have faded to a wraith."

Sabrina smiled at Toren and went to pick up a plate. Mara amused herself by pointing out delicacies and insisting Sabrina try them, but at last they were all seated and making desultory conversation while eating. Sabrina wasn't very hungry after what she felt had been a large breakfast, and she was grateful when Ford arrived to distract his mother's attention.

In fact, he caught everyone's attention, including Sabrina's. This was the first time she'd seen him in his own clothes, and she was amazed at the difference in him. He wore a bright royal blue suit, the short, lapel-less jacket tailored to fit his slight form over a soft golden shirt with a round collar. She also caught the glint of a signet on his right hand, the only sign of his position. But it was more than what he was wearing; his whole bearing had changed somehow as he bowed formally, gracefully, to Asnefer and was introduced to Toren. He had become a prince, and Sabrina again felt that disconcerting shift in someone she thought she knew. But when he had quickly filled his plate and slid into the seat beside her, he flashed her a grin that made her feel better somehow.

Asnefer cleared her throat and said, "Shahina reports that there is still no sign of Varla, or of any Homeworld technology on the planet's surface. Somehow they have vanished without trace."

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