Sabrina sighed. "I appreciate that everyone wants to help, but he's my brother, Mara. I want to help too. And I don't see where I fit into this plan."

"Sabrina, you may fit into it wherever you wish. But try to remember that you have your own re-adjustments to make." Mara paused. "Leran and Selémahs wish to do this, not only because they are fond of you and Scotty, and because of Rayland's memory, but also because Aurora has told them that they owe him her life. That's a heavy debt, Sabrina. I hope you will let them discharge it."

"It's not a question of debt, Mara."

"I know. But it does factor into their thinking, along with the other elements. I'll tell you a secret, Sabrina." Mara smiled, and for a moment Sabrina was reminded of the mischievous girl she had been.

"What?" Sabrina had to smile back. It was irresistible.

"I think Aurora is more than a little fond of Scotty. I would not be surprised if it were true that she suggested the plan to her parents."

"Oh, for heaven's sake, Mara! Let him get his memory back before you go pairing him off!" Sabrina exclaimed.

Mara laughed. "Relax, Sabrina. I was only making an observation. Scotty will do just as he chooses, as he always has. But think about it, as a future possibility: Scotty might develop more of a sense of self-preservation if he felt he did not belong only to himself."

"That could only be a good thing," Sabrina admitted.

"Well, think it over, Sabrina. Nothing has to be decided immediately; Scotty must remain here, where I can work with him extensively, for the present. And even if you do agree to the plan, you can always change your mind later if the need arises. Nothing need be locked in. And, after all, Scotty will eventually make his own decisions about his future. Now. Let's talk about yours for a moment."

"Oh, Mara," Sabrina sighed. "I haven't thought about it at all."

"Do you still intend to take the oath?"

"Yes, of course."

"I propose that we lose little time in staging the ceremony. I want to throw a ball to celebrate the return of the Devons." Mara grinned. "It's going to be huge, and as extravagant as I can make it without being vulgar. But you've got to have taken the oath first. Scotty won't take any oaths until his commissioning, or, if he decides not to join the military, a civilian oath of fealty when his education is complete. Until then, he's covered by being my husband's ward, and, if he goes to live with Leran and Selémahs, he'll be considered their ward."

"I guess my dress is ready by now. Just give me a day or so to brush up on the wording," Sabrina said. "I wish this didn't have to be such a big deal, Mara."

"Nonsense. After everything, we all need a celebration. And Praxatillus deserves to celebrate your return. It's not every people whose legendary heroes come back to them after a century's absence."

"Can't we just hire someone to impersonate me?" Sabrina asked plaintively.

Mara laughed as she got up. "Who would dare?"


Two days later, Sabrina stared at herself in the full-length mirror and sighed.

"What? I don't see anything to be unhappy about. You look great," Ford said cheerfully as he sauntered in.

She wasn't startled by his unheralded entrance; he came and went as he pleased, and she was glad that he felt at home in her apartment. Besides, this time she had been expecting him.

"I'm having an identity crisis. Who is that?" She gestured at the figure in the mirror, glamorous and regal in her silver gown, with white roses in a spray at one shoulder and her hair caught up in a shimmering net of worked silver and watergems.

Ford moved to stand behind her, looking over her shoulder. He looked at her reflection for a moment, then said, "Anybody she wants to be."

Sabrina turned to look at him over her shoulder, surprised. "Maybe... Maybe that's it. Why I'm so nervous. It's like beginning a whole new life instead of going back to an old one."

"It is a new life," Ford said. "For you and for Scotty. Perhaps for all of us, depending on how many waves you make this time around." He grinned at her in the mirror.

Sabrina turned away from her reflection and faced him. "You look...magnificent. The holovids don't do you justice in full getup."

He pretended to preen for a moment. "I know." Then he grinned again, his bright eyes dancing. "At least I know who I am. Even if I'm not very good at being him."

"Stop that," she said, putting her hands on her hips. The contrast between her regal costume and her decidedly unregal pose made Ford bite back a laugh. Sabrina caught it and dropped her hands to her sides, suddenly unsure what to do with them.

"Mara's right," she said after a moment, when she'd conquered the conflicting urges to laugh and groan in frustration. "I do have a lot of adjusting to do. I was never all that good at being Lady Sabrina the first time around. And now there's this stupid legend to live up to! I'll either be laughed out of court, or be single-handedly responsible for the deterioration of good manners in society."

"Have you been listening to Aunt Imari again?" Ford wondered. "That sounds like a quote. I'm sure she's said exactly that about me! Never mind, Sabrina. We'll be black sheep together, and let the rest of the world think what they will. You'll drive yourself into a state of nervous exhaustion trying to please everybody."

"True. Maybe that was the problem with the Regency, hm?"

"No, I think the problem with the Regency was too many ambitious enemies with nasty weapons."

"Hardly. I could handle those in my sleep. And frequently did!"

Ford grinned. "There's a salacious remark begging to be made in reply to that, but since we both have to be on display in a very few minutes, I'll refrain!"

"Hmph! What's the penalty around here these days for giving a prince a sharp jab in the ribs?"

"Dire and dreadful things. I don't recommend incurring that particular penalty."

"I suppose you are in a position to do a comparative analysis of misdemeanor penalties around here," Sabrina said wryly.

"Ouch! You've been talking to Kashmia again."

"She's afraid you'll corrupt me. But I told her if seven years working on Capitol Hill didn't do it, you had no chance. I don't think she believed me though," Sabrina added thoughtfully. "Come on, we're going to be late, and that will never do."

"Relax. I'm sure they'd find a way to blame me instead of you."

"Yes, and then you'd have to revenge yourself somehow. Let's just not go there, okay? I assume you can actually navigate this place well enough to get me to the Little Ballroom?"

"I won't even dignify that with a reply!"

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