Yeah, I wouldn't and that is no life to live for sure. I was just living in a fantasy world with her.

"My crew has terrible control over their urges. It is why we can't even leave Whisper alone."


"What time are we doing this because I need to make sure Shooter has Whisper covered while I am gone?"

I hope he remembers about that.


"Shooter isn't going. Angelo is going with me this time."

I grabbed my phone. I need to get back to Prissy. I've been gone way too long.

"My plan is to spend one last night with Prissy while you all get the details worked out with Angelo and Shooter. Shooter stays behind to watch the house and Whisper."

I hate this next part, but it has to go down this way.

"Angelo will carry Prissy to the safe place while I wait outside. Patrick, you will go with Angelo, Aaliyah, and his team."

"Aaliyah, I need you to be the last person out of that house to make sure none of Angelo's group tries something."


I get my daughter back, but for how long?

"I'll lock the door after she leaves, but Aaliyah, you will need to drape the carpet back over the door, so it doesn't look like it's there."

I watch her shake her head. Then I looked at Ryder.

"So when is it in your plan to come collect her again?"


If I had it my way, she would never leave me.

"It won't happen until Riccardo gives up."


"It can be anywhere from a few days to a couple of years with how Riccardo works."

I notice how badly Ryder is hurting. I feel for him.


"Aaliyah, get this man a burner phone."

I turn towards Patrick.

"Only use it in an emergency, Patrick, because it wouldn't surprise me once Stinky delivers the news to Riccardo. They bug your house, phone, everything."


I just laughed. I think he forgets what I do for a living.

"Ryder, my house gets bugged all the time because of what I do for a living. It's why I have a phone everyone thinks I use, but in reality, I live off burner phones."


Yeah, I don't think that makes me feel better about this situation at all. I stood up because I need to get back to Prissy.

"Do we all know what we are going to do now?"


I stood up with Ryder.

"Hey, do we have a floor plan for the house?"


I guess that would be a good thing to have.

"I'll draw one up for you while Ryder spends the evening with Priscilla."


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