Chapter 44: Christmas Hell

Start from the beginning

"No, I don't want to talk to anyone, Omma!"

"Why not?"

"Please stop setting me up with random people, I am not interested".

"You are never interested!"

"That's right!"

"Jungkook! You have to meet her. For me. She will be a great addition to our family. Unless you already are with someone?"

Jungkook sighs, "I am".

"Oh? Who is she?"

"She? You know that I am not straight. Right?", Jungkook exclaims, almost disgusted.

"You do like girls though. You told me. And wasn't that boyfriend of yours just a teenage phase?"

"Omma!", he yells.

"Don't tell me you are still into this nonsense?"

"Well, I AM! I AM STILL INTO THIS NONSENSE BECAUSE THAT'S WHO I AM! DO WHAT YOU WILL ABOUT IT!", he yells before disconnecting the call.

Jungkook has always been close to his mother until the day he realised she would only love him as long as he was straight, which he isn't. After his dad passed away in the car accident, his mom was the only one to take care of him. She loved him like any mother loves her child but she hasn't been able to accept him for who he is. He has been wanted to tell her about Taehyung for so long but he knows he shouldn't. He knows the reaction he will get and he wasn't ready for it. He went to a date with Taehyung to Busan and still didn't meet his mom because even though he hates to admit it, he has been avoiding his mother for some years now. She never approved of Yugyeom when he was dating him and never approved of Jungkook's identity in general. She thinks Jin's influence over Jungkook is what made him like this.

Jungkook sinks in his bed thinking about what just happened. He yelled at his mom 2 days before Christmas. But how was it going to work? How will she accept Taehyung? What happens if she doesn't? All these thoughts eating away his mind as his heart aches simply because he feels unaccepted by his own mother and it at a subliminal level made to choose between the man he loves and the woman who birthed him. His phone rings bringing him out of his gloomy trance.

"Hi", he answers.

"Are you still up?", Taehyung asks.


"Thought so! What's up?"

"Nothing just.."

"You sound tired. We can talk later".

"I am not tired hyung. I am just.."


"Nothing", Jungkook sighs, "Why did you call?"

"I misseed you"

"Hyung! We were together like 10 hours ago".

"Exactly! 10 hours!", Taehyung talks in hyperbole making Jungkook laugh out loud. "You are cute. You know that right?", the younger smiles.

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