Chapter. 29

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"And to make this not a complete bore for me, I'll add infinity to all your attributes, you know physical, mental, nature, hell I'll even throw a dollar at your spiritual attributes." Qetsiyah said, "oh and this crowd got significantly smaller, only one thousand, two hundred, thirty-four people left, let's add thirty-two thousand, three hundred, forty-five people." She added on and suddenly many people joined the crowd.

"Y'all should be thanking me, at first y'all couldn't even move a large boulder, now you'll be able to lift infinite mass objects with relative ease." She said as the next wave of people came in super confident.

"Unfortunately for you Jacky Chan wannabes, I can cancel out infinity," she said as one guy ran at her and without even looking at him she ripped his heart out.

And suddenly all of them paroxysmally ran at Qetsiyah at once, but she dodged every single attack they threw at her, not a single one managed to hit her, then suddenly all of them were frozen in place.

"Honestly I wasn't trying to use my abilities to this extent, you know turn it down a notch since I've been trapped for a few hundred thousand years in a casket and wanted to warm up. But you all are far too slow, look at your motionless bodies," Qetsiyah said as she walks past them ripping their hearts out, her mouth enlarging with razor-sharp teeth like sharks biting their heads off one by one by enlarging her head, deleting them from existence, snapping their necks, breathing air in their perimeter and killing them, touching them and killing them.

"But that was a low blow, trying to jump me at the same time, too bad y'all won't live your lives with all these new abilities," she said as she rubbed a guy's cheek and then snapped his neck.

Then after about fifteen minutes over forty thousand dead bodies lay on the ground in Los Angeles, Qetsiyah looks around at the bodies stepping over them with her bare feet, then coming to a standstill. "That was a shitastrophy for them, perhaps I should clean them up, and they say I'm not sophisticated," She said as she swiped her hand across the entire field and the bodies disappeared along with the blood.

"I always have to do everything myself, but shit happens," she added, then she began walking about five square miles north arriving at a diner where the bartender was wearing a fancy black color shirt that complimented her figure and black pants and long curly black hair with brown eyes.

The brown skin bartender took notice of Qetsiyah walking into the store who was wearing a light blue hoodie with dark blue sweatpants.

"Hello, welcome to" the bartender was interrupted by Qetsiyah holding a finger up indicating a be quiet, she walked about four steps into the restaurant, came to a stop, and scoped out the restaurant.

She began walking to the male restroom and was stopped by the bartender, "I think you are going into the wrong restroom, you don't look like a male ma'am, the ladies restroom is right there," the bartender said as she pointed to the ladies restroom.

"Thanks, piss wizard," Qetsiyah said as the bartender slid out of her way to the side.

The bartender was confused because she didn't move by herself and was questioning how she got shifted out of the way then she turned her head watching her walk into the male restroom.

Everyone else in the dinner was minding their own business as it was just another day in Los Angeles continuing to go about their day not fighting a battle that wasn't theirs to fight.

The bartender was rather inquisitive, so she walked into the male restroom shortly after her, and grabbed cleaning supplies to act like she was only cleaning the restroom. When she entered the restroom she saw a bunch of blood everywhere, and as she looked at the bloody foggy mirror a brief girl popped up in it, she had on a white gown that was slightly bloody with sharp fang-like teeth, hair that was in a bun, and her eyes were all black, she appeared behind the bartender.

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