Chapter. 17

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"My name is Abraham Griffin and I'm a philosopher and scientist that studies the undetectable beyond ordinary physics. I study metaphysical science which encompasses the totality of every dimension of existence. The fundamentals of principles of all reality."

"In my recent studies, I conjured up that our physical universe wasn't the only one, that there was an infinite amount of unparalleled universes, each superseding the last. They're each outside the lower perspective but very much a part of the same dichotomy, the dichotomy of universes."

"In reference, our universe is made up of matter, antimatter, and dark energy, and all laws such as the law of non-contradiction, law of excluded middle, law of attraction and the law of identity, and all other laws and physics. But the universe above isn't bound by these laws, it has laws of its own."

"I'm dealing with the first principle of things such as all abstract concepts such as space-time, substance, knowing, causality, identity, change, necessities, possibilities, you name it, I've studied for years on end to gather much knowledge as possible on this and make sure everything I say is precise."

"Studying metaphysics then leads into the bigger question, how did it all begin?"

Abraham pulls up to Julian's house and gets out of the car and walks up to his door and rings the doorbell, Julian Freeman answers and greets "Hello Abraham come in."

Abraham walks in and takes his shoes off at the entrance.

Then Abraham walks over to the dining table and takes a seat, Julian asks him if he wants some coffee that he made earlier this morning and he said yes; he then brings him the coffee after heating it and they sat there watching the football game that was going on.

Abraham's phone rang and he picked up, it was his sister, so they had a brief conversation.

"Hello, Jules," Abraham said.

"Hello Abraham," she said back.

Abraham decided to introduce Julian.

"This is my good friend Julian and he's an astrophysicist, he's been studying astrophysics for as long as I've been studying metaphysics, so around a decade," Abraham said as his sister just wanted to say hello and get back to work, which she did, hanging up after telling Julian hi through speakerphone and telling Abraham to keep out of trouble.

"Abraham, what brings you here today?"

"I need you to help me determine how the universe begins since all you study is the principles of physics of the astronomical objects and phenomenons of the cosmic microwave background," Abraham said in question.

"Well given the studies of classical mechanism, electromagnetism, statistical mechanisms, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics, relativity, and celestial bodies that are encompassed in our universe we can conclude that since matter cannot be created or destroyed and dark matter makes up approximately eighty-five of the matter in the universe and logical terms and conservations that energy is produced from the sun by not created because well it was always there, so the best logical assumption from various studies of the origin of the universe would have to be a being of a higher power, a being that can do the impossible, make matter created and destroyed," Julian said.

"So God essentially?"

"To a T."

"Here let's go for a walk on the beach," Julian said, he then got up from the table and walked to his room, to get ready, it took fifteen minutes.

Julian packed up and heads out to the beach with Abraham, they walked out of Julians' house and closed the door behind them, locking up. They then walked over to Abraham's car and got inside, then drove to the beach.

They arrived at the beach, got out of the car, left their sandals in the car, and started their walk.

"Do you ever wonder how small we are in comparison to the grand scheme of things?" Abraham said to Julian

"Well yes."

"Do you believe in other universes?"

"Yeah actually, but I don't know how many there are."

"What if I told you there's not a quantifiable amount or in other words, not a finite amount."

"I'd say that's amazing but how could such a thing exist?"

"Well take a look down at your feet."


Abraham takes a deep breath and looks down at the grain of sand with Julian, "Now imagine in that grain of sand you see there are 1*10^17 protons in it, but you cannot see them because you're beyond its vantage point, but within one of those singular protons is a universe all of its own, if you were to burn that grain of sand you would exterminate an eternity of eternities. Our universe is infinite, but in comparison to another universe we're infinitesimal in comparison, from their vantage point we're nothing more than a proton in the grain of sand." Abraham said.

They both took a seat in the sand and Julian began writing his name in it and putting it over his feet.

"But how can an infinite amount of universes exist?"

"I already told you, because God created us all, everything and every universe."

"Even the tree of knowledge is merely something else from the creation of God."

"The tree of knowledge?" Julian said in question

"Yes a tree that can grant any wish imaginable and unimaginable with perfection, if you were to wish to warp reality, it will grant you that ability."

"How does one find it?"

"Nobody knows."

"So all it takes is just flying around the universe and if you find it you can have any wish you like?"

"Pretty much."

"Has anyone ever attempted to go search for it?"

"Pretty sure some guy by the name of Avery tried a while back but was unsuccessful."

"Did he die?"


"Oh, that's good to hear."


"Do you believe that we're alone in our universe or the other infinite amounts of universes?"

"It wouldn't be logical to think out of infinite infinities of universes we would be the only specimen."

"That's true, I wonder if we'll ever come into contact with them."

"Maybe if we travel to the tree of knowledge we can wish for it," Abraham said jokingly.

They both laughed.

"Well to be completely honest nobody knows the answer to behind it all because we're all humans, we're not some angel that knows just about everything, The multiverses is beyond our comprehension, if something is beyond the multiverses, it's beyond our comprehension, even God is the most incomprehensible of them all."

"Anyone who tries to fit a description of God is already giving the deity too much semantic evaluation."

"Well let's get ready to leave, it's getting dark" Abraham suggested and Julian agreed, they then stood up and walked over to the water holes to rinse off their legs and feet, once they dried off they walked over to Abraham's car.

Both of them left the beach and headed home.

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