Chapter. 27

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It was the middle of the day and Kai was getting off the local subway train in New York City.

Kai was in his early thirties with a mediocre business job and an apartment with not much food in the fridge, his family stayed about three hours away from him.

Kai was lost in thought as he was walking in the huge crowd of people in the streets of New York City, he saw people pickpocketing and getting knocked over, and he thought that hurting people is like throwing a rock in the ocean, you never know how far down it goes.

And what's even more disconcerting is that any one of the people you walked by today could've been their last day on this planet or the last time someone saw them before they disappeared.

After a while; Kai went to the nearest store to buy some quick stuff he needed to prepare a meal for tonight. He went to buy some hamburger meat, pasta sauce, vegetables, noodles, and a soda. He walked over to the cashier and had a brief conversation.

"Hey, how are you doing?" The cashier asked.

"Good, and you?" Kai replied as he loaded his ingredients for spaghetti out of his shopping cart.

"Good, that'll be twelve dollars and forty-five cents," the cashier said, Kai then pulls out his wallet and pulls out a twenty-dollar bill, and hands it to the cashier, he takes it and cashes it out handing Kai seven dollars and fifty-five cents in return.

Kai takes his money and recipe then the groceries put them in his shopping cart and begins heading out of the store.

"Have a nice rest of your day," the cashier said.

"Thank you too."

Kai takes his groceries out of his shopping cart puts them back where he got them from and left the store.

Kai then had no more stops to make so he decided to go home and began walking in the direction that leads him there.

Then out of the blue a large crowd appeared unanticipatedly, he got his groceries stolen and once he noticed this he looked in all directions for the theft but was unable to find them, he commenced getting bumped into harder and harder as the crowd increases and then he felt as if he couldn't breathe.

So adaptively; Kai started moving with the crowd and then he noticed that his wallet was stolen, providentially, he spotted who stole his wallet and began chasing the theft, he chased him into a dark valley and he met the theft friends who began beating up Kai, but Kai didn't go down without a fight.

One of them threw a punch toward Kai's face and Kai caught the punch with his hand and used the other one to punch him in the face and smash one of the thieves' heads against the wall. Another tried punching him with a two-piece but Kai dodged both punches then the thief tried kicking Kai, Kai grabbed his leg then flipped him over, and kicked him in the face. The third theft tried to do a two-piece too but followed up by two high kicks to the head and then followed by an elbow to the face, Kai blocked each attack with his hands smacking down his punches and kicks then blocking his elbow with his own.

Kai then navigated the third theft's elbow downwards and used his other arm to punch him in the face, again and again until the third theft's face became bloody.

Kai got up from the third theft and saw the wallet that he was carrying, he picked it up and looked inside and nothing was missing, so he put it back in his pocket.

The fourth theft ran into Kai running him into one of the building walls then once he hit the wall Kai elbowed the fourth theft in the back, and knees him in the stomach which breaks his grip on Kai's stomach, then Kai pushes him off and punches him in the face. The fourth thief falls to the ground and Kai kicks him in the head knocking him unconscious. He was breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

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