Chapter. 22

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"Bro how many times do I have to tell you? Characters such as Thor or Zeus aren't real, they might as well be fiction," Kalen Weston said.

"But isn't mythology based on belief? So if I believe them to be real, then perhaps they are," Xavier Elias said as they were in the library during school searching up what happened on November 18, 1985.

"Look man, if you want to believe the gingerbread man or Santa Claus is real, then so be it, I'm trying to save you the disappointment of realizing not everything you see on social media is real and the truth," Kalen said as he takes a bite of his pizza he got from school lunch.

I can't find anything that happened to the 8 people that went missing that day, two of them survived but I can't find anything on the other six; Xavier thought to himself as he began to become frustrated.

Kalen turns and looks at Xavier's computer, "it's a lost cause." He said quietly.

"Can you at least have some acknowledgment? You're going to look stupid once I get a breakthrough, the media is hiding something and I'm going to figure out what." Xavier said in his auspicious attitude.

Xavier then gets up from his chair and packs up his things to leave.

"Where are you going? I'm not done with my lunch!" Kalen asked.

"I'm going to the restroom and then to my next class," Xavier said as he left the library.

"This man seriously left me here, so mind-boggling," Kalen said to himself as he finished eating his food and finished up his homework that was due next period.

Kalen then turns to Xavier's computer as he notices he left it on.

"Kuchisake Onna," Kalen said out loud as he read the search bar on Xaviers computer.

"Kuchisake Onna is a malevolent being in the Japanese legends as a diabolical entity that asks you is she beautiful, if you say no, she will kill you if you say yes, she'll show you her true face, and kill you anyway," Kalen read out loud.

"What a bunch of gibberish, honestly who would even believe that? A ten-year-old?" Kalen asked as he closed Xavier's computer and packed his things to get ready to leave because the bell rang.

"Why is he even searching about ancient Japanese folklore? We're in Minnesota," Kalen added on as he left to go to his next class.

Fortunately enough for them, was English, a class they had together after lunch.

The tardy bell rang and the teacher began to greet the class and go over what they'll be doing today, which was some chapters and questions to answer from the chapters.

"Hey bro," Xavier said trying to get Kalen's attention, "I think I found the last two survivors, their names are Charlotte and Amber, they escaped from Kuchisake Onna, we should pay them a visit; perhaps they'll enlighten us on her before our field trip tomorrow," Xavier added on trying to get Kalen to an agreement.

"That's a horrendous idea, I'm in," Kalen agreed.

"You are? I expected more resistance, maybe I was even going to do some persuasion," Xavier responded in a rapturous expression.

"Gee, glad you didn't, but I'm reciprocating all your kindness and support, so if you wish to go see some hysterical people that are probably psychotic as shit, then so be it," Kalen said as they flipped their pages talking in a murmured tone.

The was going to ring so the students all packed their things getting ready to leave.

The bell rang and all the students left the classroom as that was the last bell for the day, so they were excited to leave school, except those who had after-school activities.

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