Episode 29

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Early bird Hoseok sat by Joseph's bed eyeing the boy. Joseph's hair overgrown a bit, makes Hoseok wonder if he ever wore a bow on his head how would it look.... The image flashed through Hoseok's mind, internally making him squeal 'cute'.

Joseph's hair looked soft, really soft. Light brown, reminded him of s'mores. He took his finger and ran them through Joseph's hair. Just as soft as they looked. Joseph's lips looked really soft too.

Unintentionally he kept going closer and closer to Joseph until he realized he was about to kiss the sleeping boy.

Contemplating whether or not until a voice disturbed his trail of thoughts.

"Stop buffering like the dorm's WiFi and kiss me already. "

Hoseok flinched in shock, he surely didn't expect this.

He then proceeded with what he had been told.

After the subtle kiss Joseph got up and started to get ready for the day....

"You know, you can slow down. You don't have to be the first to reach. " Hoseok commented seeing Joseph moving like some robot.

"You always end up copying my lessons, someone has to study " Joseph rolled his eyes.

" Hey Josie, you're early today" A Jimin chirped.

"Wahh, thanks for tellin'. I didn't know" Joseph's words fallen Jimin in a dillemma to understand whether it was fruted from sarcasm or the person really meant it but Jimin decided not to think much of it.

" Are you Park Jimin? " The voice of a pioneer interrupted.

"Yes, I am. How may I help you? " Jimin politely asked.

"There is someone to meet you, they are waiting in the yard. " The man spoke with a hint of annoyance as he did.

"Thank you so much, I'll be there. " Jimin spoke with it the man too went away followed by Jimin.

"Looks like I am alone " Joseph said looking everywhere to find no one.

"Say no more, baby" Hoseok waved.

"Urghhh "


"Jiminie Opparrr wait! " A voice rang from the doors.

"Please help me, this person is harassing me " A tearing Jimin ran inside the classroom  making the whole class burst in fits of laughter.

"SILENCE! " The professor on duty yelled stirnly making all silence except a few undisciplined ones.

Jimin ran behind the professior using the woman as a shield for defence.

"Comeback j- Opparrr" The man spoke in thick British accent making the accent sound mockable

"Who are you and why are you here? " The professor asked to the intruder.

"I am Jmean's boyfriend. Please understand it's a matter between me and my lover and stay outta it" The man batted his eyelashes and flashed painted nails in attempt to seem sassy only to be made fun of


Okay, that was enough for the harmless looking woman to turn scary and frighten the class.

Maybe not the whole class....


"Ayo, Hitman bang introduces himself" A man spoke  adorabley

"M- ma'am, you took us to a hitman? " Jimin already cried too much, not knowing it was the dean. 

"Mr. Bang, please. You're not a hitman for God's sake! "

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