Episode 23

17 3 12

"And he won't even tell me shits. Y'all know what's up with him? "

It was evening, both Hoseok and Joseph missed today's classes so their friends wanted to enquire. Yoongi drawned them off. Only bothered to share the situation with Taehyung, Jimin and Joseph's two close friends who he'd stay butt-to-butt attached to according to Yoongi's observation.

"Shhhh! Lemme hear it." 

"Go away woman" 

"Why?! Men can watch live porn and me as a woman cannot? " Krystal whisper-yelled

"You guys, we're gonna get - wooooo " And we all fall down

The door opened revealing the three. The three who had assumed the couple proceeded more than a kiss just saw the two inside the room fully clothe and even sitting together side by side.

"Ahhh" Krystal exclaimed from the impact of the fall.

"We, were just passing by. " Taehyung reasoned

"Yeah, that's all " Yoongi stood up and disappeared from sight.

The ones on the ground followed the steps.

"And how about- "

"Giving them some space? "

-Eunwoo and Moonbin

Eunwoo had his arms folded in am accusing manner while he walked in

Hoseok and Joseph were laughing, yet eyes fixed on each other. Staring at each other. Hoseok breath being taken away only by the Josephine's laughter 


" How did you know it was me?" she asked 

" The day when dad came, I kissed you. That day my fingers brushed against something I couldn't help but notice" the elastic of a bra Hoseok knew all too well

"What a pervert!" she said rolling her eyes

"So I sat a guy to do a background research on you. I guess, I was shocked but I was really happy to find you again. Did you knew it was me? " he said. 

"About time." she said

"Who told you?" he asked. 


"Then why didn't you reach out to me and told me who you were? You know I was dying to myself thinking you died that day" he said. 

By now he layed his head on her lap. She didn't protest, she ran her fingers through the soft locks of hair that melted to touch. She was trying her best not to get flustered 

Her fingers stopped "You were too so busy with your chicks, I didn't want to bother you" that sounded  fire.. 

"You-you were jealous. Weren't you?" he laughed looking at her eyes

"They were just my playthings. I don't even remember their names" he said, pinching her cheeks

"Don't treat me like like th-" she wasn't able to finish as she was harshly pulled down by him to find his lips locked in her's 

"Don't you dare compare yourself with them. They were just providing me entertainment back then, it wasn't love. It was all physical. I fell in love with Joseph." he says. 

She starts to massage his scalp again with her fingertips 

"I fell in love twice in my whole life, back when I was eleven with a girl called Jojo. Then again with a girl named Josephine who dressed as a guy. I really wonder if I found that out in some other way." he laughed with his smug look

She stood there, tight lipped. To say the least, embarrassment would be an understatement. Who knew he'd become a good guy this soon. It's no fun when he's all cute. 


A nock on the door, yes this time they remember to lock the door

Opening the door to Krystal. 

"Wow, about time you remember me" Josephine says sarcastically 

"Sowwwyy, you know Jin oppa was showing me around" she says sheepishly

"That took you a life, Kryss" Joseph sighed as they both sat down. 

"that because of that Mint haired nut job was sleeping and I woke him, I fell in a ruskus" now Krystal was the one heaving sighs 

"so, I was here to have a good talk with you about Jung Hoseok now that he's not here" Krystal says

"Well, he's in the bathroom." Josephine says. 

"Then get him out, I need to talk with you in private and that's important." she says

"Hold up darling, he's both my roommate and my boyfriend so I can't just kick him out. Let's go to the roof if you want privacy" Josephine said. 

"Wow, not a day being your boyfriend and look at you kicking me out" Krystal didn't seem like joking but started going outside 

They went to the roof, they were quiet the whole walk. 

"So, what's wrong Krys? Who wet your socks?" Josephine tried to lighten the atmosphere 

"Why are you with him? You know he plays with girls? Why the heck did you bother telling him who you are?" Krystal seemed furious, she had been keeping this all this time

"Now, now Krystal. I think he's not half that bad." Josephine says, 

"Then what is he, a saint? And which saint fcks around with people's feeling's?" 

"He learned his lesson, he has been dying to tell me how he felt. But he didn't know who I was" 

"He didn't need to know who you were!" 

"But I did-afu fufuuuu" and there Josephine started explaining few events of Hoseok's life and her own and how they connected 


"and that's why he was like this. He wasn't loved the way he should've been so he didn't know how it was done." 

"I don't know all that Joe, I don't want you crying over him when half the city already is"

Sometimes we intrude people's life to make sure they're not dong somethings that might harm them. That worry becomes so severe that we lose sight of who we are. 


"Soekjin hyung invited everyone to visit his family house in Gyeongi" Hoseok told

"Have a safe trip!" 

"You're coming too" Hoseok says

"No, I am not. Have a safe trip ass- Hobi" she said sickly sweet

"Gosh, why are you so eager to get rid of me. You're coming and that final" he says coming clpse

"Nope, I am not leaving just have spend a whole day to reach a place" that's not Wonhos "and get sick on the way" she says, putting her hands on air

"I am not leaving without you" 

"yes you are" 

There they go again

Hope this wasn't so bad

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Hope this wasn't so bad

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