Episode 10

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The closest person of Joseph Jimin could inform was his best friend, Krystal

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The closest person of Joseph Jimin could inform was his best friend, Krystal. Joseph's phone had a lock but the emergency caller had Krystal on the speed dial.

"If we inform her mom, she is going to burry you guys alive " Krystal spoke, her expressions making her words more horrifying than they already are.

The doctor passing by volunteered to clear their doubts and conception.

"The patient is fine. Only a few old cuts were found in her and the patient is perfectly fine physically. The unconsciousness might be resulted by some kind of mental shock or trauma. Did she have any phobias or mental illnesses? " The doctor asked.

"Yeah, sh- he has phobias against darkness and stuffy places" Krystal said.

" So they have nyctophobia and claustrophobia. The fainting might be subjected to that. Don't worry, once they wake up, you can take the patient home" The doctor informed.

"Thank you doctor. " Jimin spoke

"And Hoseok hyung there, thinks he killed Joseph " Jimin smiled in relief of his hyung not being a criminal and Joseph being fine.

"How did you find Josie?" Krystal asked with frosty gaze.

"In the bed

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"In the bed. " Jimin lied. Krystal nodded wanting to hear more for still not believing.

"He... didn't woke up. I went to the library he works part time and when I didn't see him at work I went to dorm and found hyung.... panicked seeing him like that"

"Really? And what did your hyung have to do with it? " Krystal cocked an eyebrow.

"H- Hyung was out and he came to find him like that, he tried waking him up but Joseph didn't budge" Jimin gulped when he lied successfully.

"I hope what you say is true or else I won't think twice before ripping all the hairs out of your and your hyung's head" Krystal gritted her teeth as if ready to swallow alive whatever bothers to say a word from her unliking.

"The patient woke up" The nurse informed.

"That's good news" Jimin chirped running.

"How are you Josie/Joseph " The two said in unison.

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