Episode 34

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"Come on Jisoo, you must be so nervous? " A woman in lilac attire, presumably Kim Jisoo's mother started guiding Josephine towards Kim Jisoo's father unable to understand the girl under the thick veil wasn't her daughter to the least.

The father of who should or shouldn't be the bride walked Josephine to the aisle towards where Hoseok was standing. The angry aura emitting from him could be sensed from miles away.


"Do you take the lady in front of yiu as your bride? " 

Maybe Kim Jisoo had told the priest to day this

"Not like I want to- " Hoseok whispered but his fathers glares made him say " I do "


"Now you may kiss the bride"

'Eww no' Hoseok mumbled

Making plans in mind to wash his mouth a million times. Closing his eyes and imagining Josephine as the bride he proceeded to lift the veil, the one in front of him wasn't Kim Jisoo. Who was this girl,  looked so familiar. Wait, Joseph!

"You came! " Hoseok whispered to Joseph.

"Shut up and kiss me " Joseph replied in whispers

That's the only thing Hoseok needed to hear before cupping his cheeks and lunging you kiss.

Every guest in the wedding started clapping.

Only then Hoseok's father realized the girl his son have been kissing for a long minute wasn't the one he chose for his son

The man also realized that everyone present to witness the marriage ceremony hasn't seen how Kim Jisoo looked so they were assuming it's Kim Jisoo.

It's not the right moment to freak out

"Wait- who is that girl, it's not- " Jisoo's father screamed noticing the face of the woman in the kissing pair

"Shut the fck up kim, you don't want the  world to know it"  Mr. Jung said silencing  Mr. Kim's mouth

"But where is our daughter? " Jisoo's mother asked who seemed to be in the verge of tears

"We can investigate that later, please now don't create a scene. "Mr. Kim tried to console his wife


A Hoseok could be seen somewhat like a squirrel on sugar-high, laughing, jumping, clapping and way to happy seeming in a mania like a maniac

Most people left the even as it came to an end, only ones left were Hoseok's friends who came as well as a girl.

"Hey girl, who the damn are you? Where is Jisoo? " Said Jisoo's mother with the other three parents behind her as if asking as a nominee of the three

"Aaaah, yes Mrs. Kim. Your daughter ran away but she didn't want to disappoint you guys by calling off the wedding so she dragged me here to take her place" Josephine, told frankly and bluntly spoke knowing soft heart are only to be stabbed


"It's only natural for you to not believe me, you can check your phone or call her, might even want to check the cctv camera's footages." Josephine stood strong to her grounds

The previous bride's parents started calling and finding footages.

"I- I found this" Jisoo's mother heaved clutching on her dear daughter's phone she found on an empty chair.

The phone had no password or locks, they started trying to find any useful clues that may lead to there daughter

"My dear parents and also uncle and aunt, if you got your hands on this video than probably means my plan have been successful and I didn't get caught so congrats to me

No, no you should be glad I didn't do the first that your mind suggested I did

But I could have

And you guys should realize you cannot force me in something on don't want, I don't want to forcefully marry Hoseok against his own will and it would be nothing more than a prison having to face him even knowing he would just keep hating me more and more. I hope you two value your child more than your money and businesses. I will come back when I feel like it, untill then I wish you guys will leave me be, happy alone!" A video recorded today on this phone stayed as the gallery's most recent image

Jisoo's mother collapsed on the floor, the least she expected was to hear her daughter fled. Her memory failed to tell her if he daughter her ever even complained or not,

She could only remember he daughter saying she loved Hoseok, but also didn't want to marry

Maybe we were just taking advantage of her politeness

"A- and who are you? " Hoseok's mother asked, eyes a bit softer than usual or maybe that was usual

"I am Josephine Lim, ma'am. I- am your son's girlfriend and Kim Jisoo's friend"

"But- but he said he is gay! He even has a boyfriend- "

"Relax pops, it's me! The boyfriend you saw was anything but a boy" In the verge of tears rolling in laughter Josephine took off her wig and talked as if she didn't drink water for the longest time being

"I am not your pops! " The man's objection overruled

"Wait, what are you? A boy or a girl? Or are you transgender? " Hoseok's mom asked in confusion

"Mama, I am a girl. Assigned and believed gender given to me is female- "

"Yeah, yeah got it and stop acting like you know us " Hoseok's mom cut Josephine off

"I do, I have been babysitting your child free of cost for child for quite a while now so I expect to be in good terms with you" Oh that smile made Kim Kardashian's bootie feel realistic


And I wonder why people make fun of me-

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And I wonder why people make fun of me-


It's Tae's bday y'all!

It's Tae's bday y'all!

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