Episode 26

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[Play the song when I tell you to] 

Something did not feel right to Hoseok. The way Josephine peactically ran away felt far away from right. 

That night he couldn't sleep a wink, he tried to call Josephine. It was unlike her to not pickup the call but assuming she fell asleep, he tried to sleep as well. He tried but the worries of Josephine was eating him up. What could have happened that made her go back so quick? 

After the sleepless night, it was finally morning. Hoseok tried her number again. It was 10 am, if she didn't wake up by now, something most surely was wrong. 

"Sorry Hyungs, I have to go" Hoseok muttered running to his care

"Take this in your mouth" Soekjin said, handing him a potato pancake he clutchesd it in his mouth and ran. 

"First Jimin and now you, you guys don't ever know how to relax, do you?" Jin muttered. 

"What? Jimin, when did he go?" Hoseok asked, halting his steps

"The morning, he ran saying something came up. Even Joseph left yesterday." Jin sighed but Hoseok ran again

She he started the car, a yawn came from the back. Looking at the back he found  a Taehyung already there, his eyes not even fully awake. 

"What are you doing here?" Hoseok yelled, still driving the car at the fasted speed limits he could potentially get arrested for. 

"You're not the only one worried for Josephine ." said Taehyung 

"Well then, why wait for me? Couldn't you Fcking move before me?" Hoseok seemed at his anger limits like his car was in speed limits 

"Take the opportunity to play the hero from her boyfriend? No, thank you" 


Rushing to the dorms, they go through every nook and cranny but don't find a trace of Josephine. Seeing the cctv footage, they find out she was never here since the trip. 

"Let's track her phone" Hoseok says. 

He found her again my tracking, he was positive to find her  the third time by this method. This was only resort left for them anyway. 

The locations led to a dark, isolated area. It seemed to look nothing like the city yet it was in the city. It took them a long time to find the a house in the middle of the densely forested woods. 

Both Hoseok's and Taehyung's phone lost signals. They still walk to the house. Hoseok impatiently bangs his fist on the wooded door. 

A women opens, dressed in all black. Mask on her face. Hoseok knew clearly enough it was Yongsun, he knew her body all too well to forget. If he had anything close to an ex, she was it. 

A social creature like her, alone in the woods made it alone suspicious. The fact that she was a bit obsessive only made Hoseok suspect her of someone nasty. 

"Yongsun, won't you invite me in?" he said smiling a sickly sweet smile to the woman who was too speak

"Yeah, c- come on in" she says. 

Trusting  his gut feelings, he got inside. Signaled Taehyung  to follow him which the latter did. 

Walking inside, it was a bit dark inside that cottage. It looked more like an abandoned house that people no longer live inside. Wooden interior, large windows to light up. The day was gloomy so it was a bit dark. 

They roamed around and Yongsun supposedly went to bring coffee. After the coffee was brought up to them, the girl sat next to them in the couch in front of the one they were seated in. 

"How have you been, Hoseok?" she asks as her hands go behind her neck. 

"As always," he says., eyes roaming everywhere. 

Taehyung had his eyes on the girl's, the girl didn't seem  like she could be doing anything wrong. She just seemed like a nice girl chilling in the woods. He knew Hoseok had something with this girl a long time ago but it doesn't seem like a time to chitchat with your ex when your current girlfriend is lost 

"Let's go, Hobi" he whispers. 

As if on cue, Hoseok gets up and they walk out. The girl didn't hold them back. 

"As$hole" he hears a voice all to Familiar. 

[Play the song] 

Call me when you want, call me when you need call me in the morning. I'll be on the way, call.... 

He runs back inside the Hoseok, brushing past Yongsun. Takes out a gun from his pocket, he sets it on her head. 

"Out of all the people I could kill, I never thought it would be you." said.

Hoseok's eyes were furious, burning holes in her's. He looked like he could kill her right now. 

"What do y- you mean?" she stutters

"You know exactly what I mean" he yells, a psychopathic grin on his face. 

She shakes in fear. 

"I am an equalist, I hit women too" he said giving a sickly sweet smile. 

"And I can call my five friends and police" said Taehyung 

"Hey, I maybe a little late but the police is on the way" Jimin says, huffing as if he ran to here 

"Basement- there in the basement"  she huffed

Hoseok's was still holding her while she showed them the door to the basement that went from the floor. It was the kind of hidden door that no one could trace. On top of that, it was under a carpet. 

As they go down by the stairs to the basement they see a dim light, lighting the whole room ever so slightly. Jimin pulled his phone out to light a torch, he ran to the figure of Joseph to find her unconscious. The cloth around her mouth maybe have been fallen down for her excessive movements. 

Hoseok cmoes in front of Jimin and takes Josephine in his arms. 

"Wake up" he says untieing hed

Taehyung untied Krystal. 

Krystal ran to Yongsun as soon as she was freed. She took of her pencil heel and started hitting her as soon she reached.  It looked as is a demon possessed Krystal and gave. Her inhumane strength. 

"HOW *hit* DARE *hit*  YOU *hit* BETRAY ME, YOU FCKING *hit* CRAZY BITCH. *hit* YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO HIT *hit* JOSIE. YOU WERE *hit* JUST SUPPOSED TO SCARE HER"  she stopped just when she realized she confessed her crime

"oops" she mutters like a whisper feeling all eyes bore into her. 

"You better explain to me what you did before you end up in jail." Taehyung yells

Hoseok was only staring at her with bloodshot eyes. 

"I- let's take care of Josie first." Jimin mutters

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