Book 1: Water | 22 | The Crazy King I

Start from the beginning

"H-he is an accomplice!" The youngest guard replied angrily to their protests. He was desperate to find a valid reason, his reasoning no longer being trustworthy until he got one and smiled victoriously. "They entered this city under false pretenses!"

Everyone looked at him like he was stupid.

"My name is Ayaan," He stated, confused. The others in the crowd were confused too, as even the other three children they saw clearly addressed him as 'Ayaan' as well.

The mean guard scrambled to explain his excuse. "E-even still, these three clearly entered under false identities!" He turned to Ayaan, smirking, "You knew and said nothing, allowing them to proceed with their cri—"

Ayaan cut him off, not caring if he was rude or not. "I did know that Aang was not an old man named Bonzu Pipin-whatever," Ayaan stated truthfully, "But I did not do any of the other things you mentioned," he finished, confusion clear in his eyes. "I've paid for everything in my possession."

"These three did." The sentry stated, pointing at Katara, Sokka, and Aang. At first, Ayaan didn't want to believe anything this man was saying. He was clearly just trying to get them in trouble. But he had seen them crash into a cabbage cart from something strange, and his bad feeling was flaring.

"Your hate for me is because I escorted Miss Rinrin away from you," He said, deadpanning, "because you were disgusting."

"What did you say, brat?!"

"The truth." Both Ayaan and the young lady, Rinrin said, their deadpan worsening.

The other guards were deadpanning now, too. Ayaan had totally hit the nail on the head. The others shook their heads in shame.

Ayaan decided to completely ignore this guy in lieu of the other guards who weren't morons. "What are all of the crimes they committed, sir." He asked, pointedly acting as if the fuming guard beside him was nothing but hot air.

The calmest of the guards answered Ayaan. "The destruction of property both public and private, trespassing, theft, there were a few injuries caused by their, um, joyride, and there is also the fact they did, in fact, enter the city under false identities. The other charges are still pending, as not all of the damage reports are in, but these are the most prominent few."

Ayaan's eyes widened. 'This guy must be lying about some of that, right?' He did not want to believe it.

But with every crime listed, he saw the three stooges in front of him wince.

His eyes narrowed, anger rising by the millisecond.


She froze.


He hiccuped.


And he jumped.

"What the hell were you three doing?" He demanded to know. The young teens flinched altogether at the authoritative edge in his voice. But if anything, this just served to make him angrier.

It meant that they had, indeed, done something. "Explain. Right. Now. "

They knew they were screwed.

Aang gulped, biting the bullet in an effort to explain. "I showed them Omashu's mail system, as well as its other... funner uses?" He tried, his voice growing softer and softer as Ayaan eyes narrowed on him until they were nothing but slits.

"What do you mean by 'fun', Aang? Hm?" There was this purple aura seeping out of him, and while his expression was a careful neutral, to them?

He looked like an angry wolf-bat out of hell.

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