Save Me

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"The first thing to do is take out the Flame so the EMP doesn't affect it," Luisa said. "Josephine might take over so do it then put the Flame back in." "Doesn't that mean you can't ever take it out?" I asked. "Until I die," she replied.

She laid down on her stomach and I cut down the back of her neck and Gaia whispered the passphrase so she could pull out the Flame. Just when Raven was supposed to connect the EMP, the doors swung open and guards barged in and filled the room. Russell came in and looked at Luisa's dumb body and back at us.

I glanced at Madi who quickly reached for her sword, commencing the battle and Octavia joined before Echo and Roan attacked. Miller began firing his gun and they protected us as Bellamy and I carried out Luisa's body.

We hijacked some motorcycles and we road out, leaving the rest of our people behind which meant they'd get captured as prisoners. Bellamy had Luisa's body in front of him and Gaia and I were riding together. Our pilot was with Jackson and we zoomed into the tall grass. A team of guards pursued us and when we reached the barrier, Raven turned it off for us to cross and they stopped there.

"They're in the hands of the Children of Gabriel," the guard said as we made a long distance from them. As we headed towards the dropship, more vehicles, covered in moss and dirt, came towards us. When we were surrounded, Bellamy stopped the movement.

"We are not primes!" he yelled. "We know you hate them and our leader does too! When she comes back, she wants you to join us in the fight!" "Who is your leader?" a man asked.

"Luisa Kane." "The primes got the best of her and named her Josephine the eighth. Our Luisa is still in there and we're trying to save her. Only if you let us pass." "Death to Primes!" a child yelled.

"Hold!" the man said. "I am Gabriel." "As in the Gabriel of the people?" I asked and he nodded. "You should be two hundred years old." "I was accidentally put in a body." "How ironic. Now will you let us go?" "Let me join you," he said. "I created the mind drives and what you say about Luisa still being alive is absurd."

I glanced at Bellamy who didn't care about my choice. I nodded and we road to the dropship. Climbing in, Bellamy put Luisa on a bed and Gabriel stared at her for too long.

"Becca?" he whispered, touching her cheek. Luisa's eyes fluttered open and she looked at me with disgust then at Gabriel. "Gabriel?"

"Do you know who I am, Luisa?" he asked. Luisa frowned and said rudely, "That's not my name."

"Josephine," I muttered. Jackson quickly grabbed a sedative as I held her down and he injected her back to sleep. I looked at Gabriel and asked, "Why did you call her that?" "I'm sorry, she just looks like someone I used to know." "We're ready for liftoff," Raven called.

"That's because Becca's her mother," I said and took a seat. Gabriel sat beside me and I could tell he had so many questions that I didn't feel like answering. "Why don't you ask her when she wakes up?"

When we docked on the main ship, I rolled the gurney into the medical room. Raven quickly explained everything to Sinclair and Indra and he got the EMP ready.

"What if it doesn't work and her body dies?" Gabriel inquired. "She came up with the plan," Raven said. She pulled the lever of the device and we watched as her body jolt before relaxing.

I turned her over and squeezed the remains of the mind drive from the slit in her neck. The blood was chunky as we knew it was supposed to be and Gaia implanted the flame. I sutured her neck with stitches and we all waited for her to wake up.

Gabriel proceeded to hook her mind up to a computer so we could see the brain activity and he was quiet that the neurons were slow. "She could possibly be dead," he said. "You ejected a mind out a body and shoved in a new one." "Like pulling the plug," Raven figured. She let out a heavy sigh and held her arms over her head. "We killed her." She stomped out of the room and Sinclair went after her.

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