Kane Me

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I rested my elbows on my knees, watching Luisa sleep. She had a wound on her wrist that dried black blood and scars scattered over her body. Bellamy had told me everything. What she had been through, what she's done, and what she's become. I couldn't be mad, I had done worse so I still loved her.

When I moved to lean back, I heard a creak before turning and saw the pen pointed right at my eye. Her hand trembled before she dropped it and we both relaxed.

"Hi," I spoke. She set her feet on the floor and her eyes trailed to the tree. "You brought it down," she said. "She'd be proud." "Yeah, I'm going to plant it somewhere so she too got to reach Earth."

"How are you?" I asked. She didn't respond and when I reached to hold her hand she didn't but squeezed it. I lifted to sit beside her on the bed and her head laid on my shoulder. I put an arm around her and lightly smiled, remembering all the times she did that when I would read her bedtime stories.

"You're the only person that I love and who loves me back," she whispered. I raked her hair, knowing that my little girl was a young adult. "Oh sweetie," I looked at her. "I love you too." I heard her sniffle as she pulled away from me. I stood, letting go of her hand, and took the plant and left the sleeping quarter.


I had shown weakness to him, my dad. I was fine with it. He and my grandmother knew my soft spots and how to help me through them. My face sterned and I put on the uncomfortable Skaikru clothes. The jacket fitted me perfectly along with the boots and I left the room.

I was aware of my surroundings down the hallways and found the front door. When I opened it, the bright sun shined on the horizon and I held a hand over my eyes. The light lowered when clouds covered the massive star and I walked around the courtyard. I noticed the guards eyeing me but since I was part of the hundred, I had been pardoned. I spotted Octavia with a sword on her back and Bellamy right beside her. Bellamy Blake. Knowing my spot in the area, I resisted every urge to kill him as I approached the two.

"Nice sword," I complimented Octavia. I didn't mind Bellamy as Clarke ran from behind and jumped into his arms. "I missed you," I heard her whisper. I glanced at O who tilted her head.

"Luisa Kane," I heard someone call and pivoted. Raven came towards me, limping. She had a knee brace on as she could barely walk. I felt like a stranger on their lands as they stared at me for what I had done to Raven and the rest of them. I cared very little.

"Who is that?" someone on a radio spoke. My head turned to the guard tower and trailed the gun pointing at the figure in the grass. Everyone crowded at the gate until I realized it wasn't who it was what. I told them to open the gate and went to the black stallion that neighed at me.

"I knew you'd find me," I said, brushing his mane. I pulled on his reins and led him inside to tie him at the inner gate and eat the haystack. As I paid attention to the horse, I felt someone behind me and I tensely turned to see Bellamy.

"We brought in a Grounder," he said, discarding our hated relationship. "We need some information from him, he won't speak." "You want me to do that," I figured. He nodded and I checked the station and agreed.

We entered the ship where guards led us to my father stepping away from the man in camouflage. I was given passage to go in the cell and crouched in front of him.

"Ivo," I said. "Kane," he said back and we shook hands. "Chon em bilaik?" (Are you with them?) "Nou. Ai laik Trikru. Ai laik natrona en Skaikru" (No. I am Trikru, a traitor of Skaikru."

"What do you wanna know?" I called out to the people outside. "We want to speak with your leader," Kane said. "Too bad, someone shot Anya," I replied. "There's the Commander," Octavia said. "Lincoln told me."

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