Watch Me

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Lincoln and I were required to spy on the hundred. He was at the dropship site and I was following Bellamy who had left earlier than everyone. I was on the ground, keeping up with his fast pace but I stayed far enough so he wouldn't see me. Besides, I had a mask on with paint on my forehead, tracing my eyebrows and I was in green camouflage.

He went towards the pod's landing site and opened it wide enough that I could see a girl and he tore the radio. I followed to the stream where he tossed it and I climbed a tree when he was heading back until he was stopped by Octavia. They bickered for a moment and he brushed her off, leaving her behind. Instead of going after him, she walked in another direction.

I rolled my eyes and dropped down towards the open land from impact and ran towards the space pod. I looked inside to the unconscious girl and backed away, knowing they'd come looking.

I was right. Finn and Clarke trekked towards the land and awoke the girl. She had chestnut hair and she smiled, looking around and taking deep breaths. She caught Finn's eyes and she ran towards him for a hug and they kissed. They took her back to camp and a few delinquents were told to drag in the ship.

I could see Lincoln across the trees as he sketched in his notebook. We watched as the girl, Raven, brew an argument with Bellamy in that he shot Chancellor Jaha and accused him of stealing the radio.

I switched my squatting position to sit and Lincoln had dropped to do something else. I stayed attentive as they talked. My wristband, along with theirs, came off and I shoved it in my pocket.

Night had fallen and I went to Lincoln's cave. I entered to see him hold a finger against his lips and I looked down to see Octavia's body in front of me. I then noticed her bleeding leg he had tended to.

I took off my mask to eat. "Bellamy will come looking for her," I said. Lincoln dragged her body to one of the tunnels in the back and I laid down to sleep.

The morning had struck and I went out to see Bellamy and Clarke treading across the land and I headed towards them. I let my distance, eavesdropping if they ever spoke but they didn't. They came across wheat lands and went underground, a place I couldn't enter.

I hid behind bushes and ducked when Bellamy reappeared with an assault rifle. I concluded that Raven was able to find them a location of a bunker with necessities like guns. I knew how to use one.

I watched him saunter around the open space and fall his knees, screaming at no one; he must've eaten hallucinogenic jobi nuts. A twig snapped beside me and I saw a blond approach with a knife, approach the space. Before he could be visible to Bellamy, I jogged towards him and yanked the weapon out of his hand. He tried to fight back but I held him in a headlock and forced him on his knees before snapping his neck.

When Clarke came out, I dragged him into the forest and covered him in shrubs. The two began to leave with their things and I went as well and perched on a tree to watch them cheer that they had firearms.

I smirked at their convinced bravery and how they believed they would win so I went back to the Trikru site. Taking off my mask, I was checked by the guard and allowed to enter the train station.

"They have new weapons," I told her. "Assault rifles that can fire bullets faster than arrows. They can kill... fast. I counted twenty-four but I don't know how many bullets they have but we would need more warriors." "Are you sure?" she asked and I nodded. She sent a rider to the next Trikru village for reinforcements and I stayed there for the night.

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