Control Me

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The time I was enjoying with my mother was cut short when I was pulled out of the Flame. The cold air drew from the capsule and I took a deep breath, flickering my eyes open to see a stranger hovering over me. I quickly assumed they were a prisoner and their chamber had malfunctioned so I grabbed their head and slammed it into my thick skull.

He stumbled, giving me the chance to get up and hop off the bed. Getting my defenses ready, he set out his hand and kneeled, respectfully.

"I am Jordan Jasper Green, son of Monty and Harper Green," he said, his eyes fixated on the ground. "Hello, Commander Kane." "Son?" I questioned. "Where are your parents?" "Dead." I gulped, looking at him to stand.

"You've been asleep for over a century," he stated. I clenched my jaw and began following him to the command center. "They wanted me to show you this video before waking anyone else first." He connected the monitor and the old Monty and Harper showed on the screen.

"Hi Luisa," he greeted. "I figured since you're commander, I'd tell you first and I do hope you decide to show everyone else this video.

"It took me decades to break through the encrypted file before taking another few years to find the planet. As you said, Planet Alpha does exist and we've set course for it. If you're seeing this video, then you must be there. In the traveling time, Harper and I have stayed alive and have had a child, Jordan. Obviously, he was named after Jasper. You must've met him already.

"I just wanted to say, that when you reach the planet, you can still change. You can still find your humanity, everyone can. Just... do better. I wish I could see Planet Alpha, I have a feeling it looks beautiful."

"Goodbye Luisa," Harper whispered. "Bellamy, Clarke, Raven, Miller, O, and everyone else." "May we meet again," they said.

A bright ray of sunlight came across the flooring and I moved towards the window. My breath hitched and my lips fell agape as I stared wondrously at the view. My eyes filled with water and the sight of the massive blue world with streaks of orange was astonishing. My eyes caught the suns that shined on it and cried. Seeing Earth had been amazing but after everything we had been through—everything I had been through— Planet Alpha was breathtaking.

"Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim," I whispered, wiping my tears. I turned and looked at Jordan, walking into the hallway. I awoke a few people so they could hear the message, only because Monty wanted them to hear it too.

I was behind the group as they listened, crying just as I did as they looked at the new world. Once the video had ended, Jordan closed the view to the window and we retreated into the dining hall to speak as we ate. Jordan served some of Monty's perfected algae and some moonshine to go along with it.

Once I grabbed my bowl I sat at a separate table, watching everyone enjoy themselves. It was a reunion that I wasn't a part of. I took a sip of the green concoction that tasted better than the bunker's mixture and chugged the moonshine. The only thought that ran across my mind was that they need someone smart enough to wander the new world. This group couldn't rely on my habits but they only tolerated me because the order of the Flame and they'd have an entire army against them. However, they could trust someone they'd only met a few times. A brilliant scientists who everyone adored: the First Commander, my mother, Becca Franco.

"I am the Flame, and the Flame is me," I whispered. When Kane was approaching me, I closed my eyes and allowed her to inhabit my body for the time being and she took over.


"Hi, sweetie," the man greeted, who I presumed was my daughter's father. I stared at him blankly. "Why aren't you with the other's? Roan?" I leaned in to whisper, "I'm sure she broke up with him."

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