The Flame is Me

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Bellamy had backed out the rover for Lincoln to help Raven in. Monty was mourning and the gloomy faces replicated mine as dawn started to creep on the night.

"You need to leave Niylah," I warned. "Don't take anything with the sacred symbol." She nodded and I pointed my gun in the distance when I heard something. Bellamy was on the roof and he shot at the drone.

"ALIE's found us," I stated. As I was about to get into the vehicle, I saw the figure in white who would always watch me from afar. I stepped closer to see the face and ran towards Roan with open arms.

"He could be chipped," Bellamy warned. I contemplated taking that information and I stepped back. "Sorry," I whispered and had a bullet graze his arm. From Jasper's knowledge that they couldn't feel pain, Roan had grunted, holding his bleeding arm before I wrapped it.

"You're coming with us," I said. We got into the packed rover and Bellamy stepped on the gas. Raven was intrigued with my mother's book, flipping through the many pages.

"She found the cure to cancer at the age of twenty-one," she smiled. "I don't know what the old world could've done without her." "Or the new one," Lincoln said. "She created this one but died too early to start her reign."

"Instead, Kalliope Praimheda did along with Reese, the Second Commander," Roan continued. As he continued the story, my head pounded in the middle. I blinked a few times from the irritation.

"Shh," I hushed. I rested my head on my palm to try and endure the pain. "Malfunctions," Sinclair thought. "You're a nightblood there shouldn't be malfunctions or she'd be dead," Raven stated.

"It could be the spirits trying to warn you," Clarke said. "It happened to Lexa in her nightmares." "They're all in there, aren't they?" Lincoln asked. "All of the Commanders."

"They believed in spirits but I say it's the remaining code of the Commanders," Raven said. "ALIE left a code in my head and it's racing." "I know things that I didn't know before," I said.

It was quiet throughout the drive and I whispered things about myself and what was going on to Roan so he'd understand. I'm not sure if he could grasp it. The headache stopped and it was more of an instinct that brushed on my skin.

Octavia and Lincoln were outside the rover and Jasper was on top as we strolled into the deserted campsite. Bellamy parked the rover inside the hangar and we got out to see Miller, Bryan, and Harper.

"Stand in a line," I said. They glanced at each other and the group lined in formation. I paced them like a guard with my hands behind my back.

"ALIE is here," I stated, clicking my boots. "One of you has taken the chip and has been listening to everything." "How do you know?" Clarke asked. She tried to take a step forward but I glared at her to stay in place.

"They were warning me," I said. "I can feel the electromagnetic waves that are numbing the neurons that cause pain from the key flowing towards the Flame. Step now and you will not be harmed."

"We can't trust you on that one," Jasper muttered. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for someone to show but they didn't. I started from the left and neared each person to sense the chip. I then paced down the line and halted at the talkative person.

"Hi ALIE," I said to Jasper. "Why would you take the chip?" Raven asked. "Why wouldn't I?" he said. "I'm in pain. Jaha made a great deal and here I am, pretending to help you."

"Take him to lockup," I said. He was able to punch me before Harper and Miller got a hold of him. He was put in cuffs and he yelled hatred words towards me as he dragged away.

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