Weather Me

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Dr. Singh had come to the room to tell me that I didn't have a uterus and couldn't have children. Whatever she thought of me to bear children, was absolute bullshit.

I had been moved to a dorm and my bed was across the room from Cage's. Someone had brought a drawer in the room and I opened it to see the fancy clothes inside. I picked out the milky pantsuit and tucked in the white silk and put on the jacket with black flats that pointed at the top. I brushed my black hair back and tucked the front behind my ears. Going to the mirror, I looked sophisticated.

"You look good," Cage said from the door frame. My head lifted to stare at him and his throat cleared. "I want you to meet the security detail so you become familiar with them."

I reluctantly nodded and followed him out. People whispered as we walked past but I enjoyed disregarding their words as we entered the control center. I gazed at all of the guards than at the computers and the widescreen monitor.

"Carl Emerson, Head of Security," the man said, lending out his hand. I didn't shake it. He introduced me to the rest of them who stared at me. "It's better to have her on our side than against," Cage assured them. To conceal his deal, he handed me a key card that I placed in my pocket and a taser—not too lethal.

"One of our nurses has been affected and we want to use one of the forty-three to test your theory of their blood," Cage told us. "Dr. Singh's words." "I can try," I said. "I've seen Jasper hang with Maya so she'll need to accompany me."

Cage nodded and I walked out of the room. Radios clicked around me as guards walked past and I turned the corner and went down the elevator to the fifth level. I spotted Maya at the end of the hallway and we entered the dorms where all the delinquents were.

"Hello everyone," I greeted with a wide smile. They gathered around but Clarke squirmed through to meet me in the front along with Monty and Jasper. "Why don't you join us in the art room, I know you like that kind of stuff... Clarke," I dragged out her name.

"It'll be fun," Maya added. "That way we can get to know each other." "Will there be food?" Jasper asked. "Why not," she said. He lightly smiled and followed Maya out and the other decided to tag along.

"They might not know what you did but I do," Clarke snapped. "They think you're crazy don't they?" I asked as we started to move. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."
"How are you on their side after what you've seen and done?" she asked and we stayed in the back. "I'm on no one's side," I said.

We entered the art room where Clarke went to a canvas and I scanned around the room to prey on Jasper. I sat beside him with the pastels to draw the night sky on Trikru territory.

"You killed one of ours at the dropship," he said. "You almost killed me and Bellamy." "I didn't," I said. "You can be the opposite of me... by saving people." I could feel his eyes on me but I kept them on the page. "Some are dying and you could be the savior. Ask Maya, she knows."

I brushed off my hands and stood, leaving the rest of the delinquents to stroll the hallways. I was alone when I entered the medical room and passed it into where the cages were.

"Anya," I whispered. "Kane," she weakly called out. I found her and crouched in front of her. "You've become friendly." "I know. They won't be using you, for now, I've distracted them with another choice." I looked around, "I have to go, I'll be back."

I hurried down the narrow platform to close the door on my exit. Luckily, I was able to leave before Clarke was strolled in by nurses for her reopened wound. I rolled my eyes, knowing what she was trying to do. She was sedated when I went to her bed.

Krazy KaneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang