Find Me

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I struck my bamboo stick but Lincoln was fast enough to catch it. He slid him out and I turned to strike but I met the ground. He was able to snap the sticks out of my hand I lifted my fists. To make it even, he dropped his stick and I went for the punch. It was a minute of physical combat before he caught my arm and flipped me over to land on the mat.

"That's exactly how you get killed," he told the class. "Pair up and practice." Lincoln's hand reached out for me and I grabbed it with a huff when I landed on my feet. I went to put on a shirt and faced the Grounder.

"Kane wants you to join the guard," I said, handing him a jacket. He reluctantly took it before I put mine on and left the training room. I lightly knocked on the chancellor's door and Abby motioned for me to stay quiet as I entered.

"He hasn't slept in weeks," she said. "Luisa's been gone before but not for six months." "Where should we check next?" She circled the area on the board. "That's near Ice Nation." "She's probably been there or even went inside to meet the clan," Abby said. "Clarke went to the capital for her."

"I thought she didn't care?" I asked. "They've known each other since they were babies, I love like that doesn't disappear," she said. "Yes it can," Kane spoke, rising from the couch. "It has for you." He looked at me. "She didn't say it back, did she?" My head dropped and added, "Lincoln took the jacket." "Find her," Kane lastly said.


I had been stuck up ever since the mountain and Lexa betraying our deal. She attempted to explain it to me but I could see the regret in her eyes. Not only did she throw away the treaty, but she also broke my trust.

I've been in Polis for a month, partially ignoring her but using her warriors to find Luisa. She had been wanted by the Queen of Ice Nation for causing genocide and named her Wanheda, the Commander of Death. She's also being charged for her acts of threatening Lexa's life. Beforehand, she wasn't convicted because she was needed for the war but now it was over, she was a criminal. She could get killed. Since she's not part of any clan, she could be initiated and be used as a nightblood to win the throne. There were a lot of factors for her being hunted but no one has found her.

"We should check Trikru again," the Flamekeeper, Titus suggested. "She's familiar with those grounds." "Or she's given herself to the queen and has sided with her," I pitched but it unlikely. "We don't know if she wants power."

"She already has too much," Titus muttered. "Her blood right is to the throne, heda. We need to change her ways before she gets there." "If we can catch her," I said. "On my way here, I found five dead bodies with her signature- a slit to the throat."

"I've already found a bounty hunter," Lexa silenced us. "Bring him in." The doors swung open and two guards carried in a body with a sack on its head. When it was removed, I noticed the man from the forest who had helped us kill the pauna. He must've gotten through to Luisa for her not to have killed him.

"Commander," he huffed. She stood, pulling her hands behind her back. "I want you to find her." "I already was until I was captured by Trikru, she's been dropping bodies," he explained. "Other bounty hunters have been looking for her to get honored by the queen. You already know my position so what do you have it in for me?"

"I will lift your banishment," Lexa said and his eyebrows raised. "Then you have a deal," he nodded. "A horse, food, and weapons will be provided," she said. She waved a hand for them to release him and he simply walked out of the throne room.


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