It was hurting as hell... But Jackal realized that this is what he asked for. He lost his strength to struggle after just 5 seconds.

Shouldn't have done that...

"Where is master E.N.D?" Mard asks in a low tone, standing up from his throne. His stare was enough to jump scare Seilah. But Larcade stood unfazed. He joined his palms and closed his eyes again.

"You are the master, Mard." Larcade says, in a low yet neutral tone.

Seilah nudged him, not that it had any effect. Mard Geer was not in mood for a chat. From the cluster of the vines, two of them target the eyes of Larcade, but stop just before the contact.

"Don't make me repeat. Where is our master?" Mard Geer asks. This time his voice was colder than before.

"That's my line. Don't make me repeat, you are our master." Larcade replies. His hands were still joined, eyes still closed. He was not even caring about the murderous aura around him.

Seilah was regretting her volunteering this mission.

The vines in front of Larcade lower down, and the cluster sinks in the ground. The vines holding Jackal deteriorate too, making him fall. He does a safe landing somehow.

"Larcade. Aren't you being a little  unpleasant today?" Mard asks with a smile.

Larcade partially opens one of his eyes to see that look on Mard's face. He gives another smile back and turns around, ready to leave.

"Please!" Seilah yells at Larcade. But Larcade ignores her again and leaves the room.

Suddenly Seilah felt a wave of fear. Her feet got cold. She could feel that anger behind her, that was just a step away from realizing it's most devastating form.

But that anger died down with a sigh. Mard Geer sits back on his throne. Finally he puts some attention to the other demons. "Huh? When did you come here, Seilah?"

Seilah keeps her hand on her chest and finally turns around. Mard's voice was normal again at last. The tension building in was gone.

"The council tried to trick us." Seilah begins, "They didn't had master E.N.D. And on a different note, the Oración Seis has betrayed Balam Alliance." She completes bowing down in front of Mard. Jackal does the same.

Mard remained silent for a moment. It was as if he was expecting some more information, but when Seilah didn't tell anything else, he says, "What about the face that was launched?"

Seilah was a little surprised that Mard didn't ask more about E.N.D, and she wasn't an idiot to mention it again. But someone else was.

"Seriously? Are we just gonna have it their way? They have our master!" Jackal yells in between.

"..." Seilah couldn't think of anything to change the situation. She remained silent for her own safety.

But things didn't went the hard way this time.

"They don't have our master." Mard replies, calmly.

Confused by what he meant, Seilah asks "Huh? But they are the council..."

"Fairytail was announced a dark guild. Master E.N.D is with a girl from their guild." Mard explains resting his cheek on his fist.

Seilah's and Jackal's eyes widen as Mard completes.

"So what are we waiting for?" Jackal smirks, slamming his fists.

"They dispersed throughout the continent after this announcement. We need the locations of those wizards." Mard replies.

Fairytail: The Legend Of The SpiritsWhere stories live. Discover now