Chapter 521 - Chapter 530

Start from the beginning

The sunlight was being blocked out by the shops. After going through the pathways, a small, empty land surrounded by houses slowly revealed itself in front of them. Due to the lack of sunlight throughout the years, moss was grown all over the place while the potholes contained rainwater.

"Where's Harry?" Lin Ruoxi realized that the surroundings were completely empty. In the dark and cold environment, there was no one to be found.

The bony man suddenly turned around and snickered. "Please be patient. Miss, have a look above you."

After Lin Ruoxi raised her head, Stern and Alice looked above them at the sky as well. Yang Chen was the only one holding helplessness in his eyes. Shaking his head, he didn't move a single muscle.

Suddenly, a scarlet object fell from the sky!

Lin Ruoxi widened her eyes in astonishment, staring at the ridiculous item which looked like special effects covering the entire area around her.

Soon, a curvy woman wrapped in a black leather jacket fell from the sky, as if she had teleported there, she appeared in front of them in the blink of an eye.

The tall lady had brown hair and brilliant red eyes. Her face displayed elegance but crow's feet and wrinkles were still present. Her age was not well concealed to the others. The cleavage at the center of her black leather windbreaker was depthless.

However, the woman's strange emergence didn't frighten Lin Ruoxi. That was because her attention was completely focused on Little Harry who was currently in the woman's arms.

"What have you done to Harry?!" Lin Ruoxi questioned furiously.

Harry's initially round face was incredibly pale at the moment. Shutting his eyes painfully, he was currently asleep in the woman's arms.

In English, the woman smiled and said using a hoarse voice, "Don't worry, he's still alive. I wouldn't finish such a delicious food in one go," before licking her firm lips with her scarlet tongue.

"Fo—food?" Lin Ruoxi finally noticed that the woman in front was abnormal. Subconsciously, she leaned closer to Yang Chen again.

Smiling, Yang Chen lay his hand on Lin Ruoxi's shoulder. "Don't be afraid, I'm here with you. She's just pulling tricks."

Stern and Alice were deeply frightened by the weird woman. When no one was paying attention, they wanted to retreat from the pathway they came from.

However, after they ran for a few steps, they were stopped by an invisible wall!

"Ouch!" cried Stern before he touched the 'air wall' while scratching his head. Gloomily, he complained, "Damn it, are you guys demons? What's happening?!"

The woman chuckled. "Resistance is futile. This dimension is temporarily isolated from the outside world. No one is able to see or hear anything here."

"Who are you guys? Do you want money? Let Harry go and I'll give you money," Lin Ruoxi said while staring straight at the woman's eyes.

As if the woman was admiring a valuable craftwork, the woman kept examining Lin Ruoxi from top to bottom, especially Lin Ruoxi's face, while her eyes were filled with excitement...

"Such a masterpiece from God. Gais, I really like this body. You've done a great job," the woman said to the bony man.

Gais laughed like a maniac. "Madam Viscount, I want the blonde man's shell. The body which hosts me is decaying more and more each day." As he said, he pointed at Stern who was looking around anxiously.

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