He then hears the heart monitor beeping on Jay's side and a deep fear sets in his stomach.

"Pulse?" He can hear the doctor ask the nurse.

"Weak." The nurse replies.

"We need to get them to the hospital fast." The doctor says.

After a few minutes, they reach the hospital and they are rushed inside without wasting anytime. The whole hospital staff is roused, they cannot imagine anything happening to Jay, who's worked with them for almost 10 years now.

"Mum! Louis!" Louis hears someone call out to them but he's too weak to comprehend and his vision is going all blurry and clouded. He feels someone holding his hand and on trying to focus, he can see that it's Harry.

"Haz?" He calls weakly.

"Hi Lou." Harry says trying to hold back his tears. Liam, Zayn and Harry got to the hospital as fast as they could the second they heard about the accident and the car plate number on the radio.

"Ethan please tell me they're going to be fine." Liam says with a pleading look. Ethan is a good friend of theirs and he works in the same hospital as Jay. It would kill him to see anything happen to them.

"I cannot promise anything Li, the injuries are pretty serious but I'm going to try my best. I promise you that. I got her." Ethan says looking Liam in the eyes, assuring him before going to the emergency room to operate on Jay.

On their way to the hospital, the doctor in the ambulance had assessed and transferred the information about their injuries to Ethan and the assistant doctors and nurses. So they got to work as soon as Louis and Jay arrived.

Louis was taken to the emergency room on a different floor than Jay, Harry being by his side the whole time until the doctor had to instruct him out of the room.

Liam on the other hand, can't stop the tears from flowing and Zayn is with him, comforting him that everything will be fine. They cannot even begin to imagine something horrible happening to either of them.

A few minutes later, Ethan emerges out of the emergency room, looking very serious. Behind him is Jay, an oxygen mask over her face, the hospital gown covered in fresh blood and a drip hooked to her. She doesn't look good and Liam can't help the frightful thoughts from flooding his mind.

"What is happening Ethan?" Liam asks trying to keep a level head which is proving to be difficult. He's trying hard to not loose his mind.

"We are transferring her to the ICU. She has a brain injury which I think is due to the impact with the steering wheel or with a rapid expanding air bag. Four broken ribs, internal bleeding, she's developed an infection, the ligament in her right leg is torn, and she has multiple bruising and burns from the airbag deploy." Ethan explains in a hurry. It's a miracle Jay was able to stay conscious for this long.

"She's going to be fine, right?" Liam asks trying not to break. Zayn has never seen Liam this vulnerable.

"Just hang in there mate." Ethan tells him sympathetically before hurrying to the ICU.

Just then, Noah, the police officer enters the hospital looking for Zayn, he figured Liam would not be in a condition to talk.

"Noah." Zayn calls once he sees him.

"Z, I got some information about the accident. Apparently it was a drunk truck driver who got in the wrong lane and hit Jay's side of the car pretty hard. Jay must've tried to swerve her way out due to which the car was sent rolling until it hit a pole. We're trying to get a hold of that driver to file him against a hit and run case. I'll let you know as soon as we get any new info." He tells Zayn and Liam.

"Thanks a lot Noah. I owe you big time." Zayn says.

"Are you kidding me!? This is my job and what kind of a friend would I be if I don't come when you need me." He hugs Zayn.

"Don't worry Liam, Jay is a strong woman." Noah tells Liam, hugging him as well.

"Thanks man." Liam says.

On the other hand, a million thoughts are racing Harry's mind at a million miles per minute.

"Anyone for Louis Tomlinson?" He hears the doctor ask coming out of the emergency room.

"Is he okay?" Harry jolts up from his seat.

"Your relationship with Louis?" The doctor asks.

"I'm his....I'm a friend of him." Harry tells the doctor.

"Well I'm happy to say he's out of danger. Fortunately he didn't sustain any fatal injuries. He had a concussion and some internal bleeding, so we had to perform a small surgery in order for it to stop, he has bruising along his left torso and burns along his chin and neck that may have been from the airbag, his shoulder was dislocated probably due to it's impact with the dashboard but we've relocated it and put it back in it's socket. It will take a few days for the pain to retire though. Other than that, we're going to be keeping Louis under observation for the night and maybe tomorrow just to make sure he's fine."

"Thank god." Harry sighs a breath of relief. He's never been this relieved in his life before.

"He's very lucky indeed. An accident like that is very fatal. He's Jay's son right?"

"Yeah." Harry says.

"God bless her. She's a wonderful woman. She's in good hands. I'm sure she'll be fine." The doctor says sincerely. They all share a special bond with Jay and for something so horrible to happen to her is beyond unimaginable.

"Yeah I hope so." Harry smiles sadly. Now that Louis' out of danger he's somewhat relieved but the thought of Jay is eating at him. He just wants for everything to get better.

"Can I see him?" Harry asks after a few moments.

"Absolutely. Try not to make much noise. We've given him some heavy drugs so he's probably going to be out for a good 16 to 18 hours." The doctor says before leaving.

He slowly closes the door behind him and approaches Louis' bed. Louis looks even tinier than he his, his body covered in bandages and a scar on his stomach. He takes a seat next to his bed and holds one of Louis' hand in his. He kisses the back of his hand.

"Get better fast."

Chapter 5!
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Lots of love xx

Thanks for reading and I'll meet you in the next one 💞


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