"Oh god." Louis murmured, putting his head in his hands.

"Alright," Niall said sighing, "Lets go and hide anything sharp that she could use. We could get child locks too for the kitchen drawers." We all nodded in agreement and set to work gather all of the sharp things she could use. An hour later we were done and we were all in the kitchen. Liam walked in the house then, a puzzled look on his face when he saw what we had.

"Um, hi?" He said, mking it more like a question.

"Hey. While you were gone Steph cut herself." I said slowly, letting him absorb the information.

"This is all my fault. If I hadn't left she wouldn't have done it." He said, punching the wall in anger.

"Calm down mate, she probably would have done it anyway because of Austin." Louis said, re-assuring Liam.

"Anyway, we're putting all the sharp things in this drawer and getting a child lock."  Harry explained. Liam nodded and we put all of the things away and put a child lock on the drawers. Just then a tired looking Steph walked in.

"What are you doing?" She asked quietly, rubbing her eyes.

"Look sweetie, Zayn told us what happened." Niall told her gently. She looked down, her long hair covering her face.

"I'm sorry love, but this will help you. All we want is for you to get better." Louis said, hugging her tightly. She nodded into his chest.

"I'm sorry." She whispered into his chest.

"It's not your fault princess, if I ever see that boy again we'll make him pay." Harry grinned. She pulled away and smiled slightly and we all grinned, knowing she was getting better already.

"Steph, can we talk?" Liam asked her. She sighed but nodded and they walked out the room together.

Steph POV

"Steph, can we talk?" Liam asked me. I sighed but nodded and we walked out together. We sat in the sitting room, me on the sofa and Liam on the coffee table opposite.

"Look, I am so sorry for leaving you. I was going through a tough time, as you know, and I just needed to escape. I feel awful though. I didn't realize you needed me. I shouldn't of yelled at you on the phone and I should've come home as soon as you started to ignore my calls. I am just so sorry." He said, looking me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for being so annoying and for ignoring you." I said quietly. He wrapped his big arms around me and hugged me tightly. I had missed his hugs, the smell of his cologne and the feeling of his strong arms holding me. I held on tightly and didn't want to pull away, but unfortunately he did and grabbed my wrists gently.

"Lets go clean these cuts then." He said, smiling weakly. I nodded. He took my hand and we walked into the kitchen together.

"All good?" Louis asked, eyeing us both. We both nodded and he sighed in relief. "Honestly, I am more than glad that's over!" He said, pretending to wipe sweat from his brow. I giggled slightly and Liam grinned.

"Right, Zayn can you go grab the antiseptic please?" Liam asked Zayn, as he lifted me onto the counter so he could see my wrists better. Zayn tossed him a plastic bottle and Niall grabbed some fresh bandages. Liam rolled up my sleeves and took off my old bandages gently, although it still hurt slightly. "Alright, this will sting a lot, but it shouldn't last for long, okay?" Liam said as he opened the antiseptic bottle. I nodded and he dabbed some onto the deep cuts. I screamed in pain as the antiseptic burned my skin.

"Shh, its alright love, it won't last for long." Louis said, rubbing my back as tears welled up in my eyes. Niall grabbed my hand and I squeezed it reassuringly, the pain only getting worse. Eventually it died down and I stopped screaming and let go of Niall's hand.

"You alright love?" Liam asked, wiping away the tears on my cheeks. I nodded and he put on fresh bandages, rolling down my sleeves when he was done. Zayn lifted me off the counter and placed me on the ground.

"Can we watch a movie tonight?" I asked the boys, who nodded in response.

"Sure, us two can pick out the movie. I promise it won't be the women in black again." Harry said teasingly, smirking when I blushed.

"Don't be mean to my daughter Styles!" Liam said, hugging me from behind.

"Hey, OUR daughter!" Louis pointed out.

"Whatever, lets go Steph." Harry said, rolling his eyes. I grinned and followed him into the sitting room where he got out all of the DVDs they had.

"Mean girls!" I said.

"Paranormal activity!" Harry argued back.

"Dinner!" Louis called, interrupting our argument about what movie to watch. I ran into the kitchen before Harry and sat at the table.

"Harry wants to watch a scary movie." I pouted as Niall put a bowl of macaroni and cheese in front of me.

"She wants to watch mean girls! When did we even get that?!" Harry argued.

"Its El's, and Harry we're not watching a scary movie. Remember what happened last time?" Louis sighed. I smirked in accomplishment, knowing I had won the argument.

"Whatever." Harry mumbled, eating his food.

"Liam, I'm full." I stated ten minutes later. All of the boys nearly finished and I had eaten half of my bowl.

"You're not allowed to leave the table until you finish the bowl." Liam said, not even looking up from his food. I sighed and ate a little bit more until I felt like I was going to burst.

"Please Liam, I'm so full." I whined, pushing the bowl away.

"Three more mouthfuls." Louis smirked. I glared at him but didn't eat any more.

"If you don't have another three mouthfuls we'll feed you." Liam added.

"But that's so unfair! I'm full. Please don't make me eat anymore than I can." I complained as Louis took my bowl and prepared a big spoonful.

"Here comes the airplane, open up Stephy!" He cooed, trying to make me open my mouth.

"Lou, I'm twelve, not two!" I protested.

"Only Jimmy can protest, young one." Louis said, pinching my cheeks.

"Seriously, stop babying me!"

"But Steph, your our little girl, of course we're going to baby you." Liam said.

"Yeah, your our little princess." Harry smirked. I glared back at him.

"C'mon baby girl, finish your food." Zayn said.

"Fine." I mumbled and let Louis feed me three mouthfuls.

When we were done we all cleaned up whilst Liam and Zayn went to pick out a movie to watch. Soon after, me, Niall, Harry, and Louis went to join them to watch the movie, which turned out to be Toy Story 3. I curled up next to Louis, with Zayn on the other side of me. Louis put his arm over me and I curled into his side. We watched the movie mostly in silence, apart from the occasional complaint from Harry, Niall or Zayn, saying it was unfair we had to watch such a stupid movie. Half way through Louis went to the bathroom, so Zayn pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tight, refusing to let go even when Louis came back. At the end I was crying, silent tears rolling down my face endlessly. 

"Whats wrong love?" Niall asked, seeing my tears. All the other boys looked and Zayn started rock us back and forth while Louis rubbed my back.

"I-its so s-sad!" I cried.

"Whats so sad princess?" Harry asked.

"T-the movie." All the boys chuckled slightly when I said that.

"Alright, I think its bed time Steph." Louis said, pulling me up from Zayn's lap. I sighed, but said goodnight to everyone, before following Louis upstairs. I quickly brushed my teeth before climbing into my bed. Louis climbed into my bed next to me and held me tight.

"Sleep well love." He said, kissing my cheek.

"Good night Lou." I said back. I closed my eyes and soon I was fast asleep.

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