
George queries and I nod, tearing open the letter, quickly unfolding it to read it's contents.


Dear Mum and Dad,

Uncle Charlie and I have been
recruiting Wolves like crazy.

So many want to join the Pack.
We even have some Elders
among them.

How's Sirius doing? It's been
weird not being around him
these past few months.

But, not to worry because I'm
coming home in a few days.

I may need Uncle Bill and
Delphini's help to check all of
the new Wolves.

See you soon!

- Freddie


With a huge smile plastered onto my face, I turn to George.

"He's coming home. Our boy's coming home."

I say, tears filling my eyes as I clutch the letter to my chest.

"That is good news. We should tell Sirius."

George says and I nod, my ears picking up the sound of Delphini's bedroom door opening. It takes a few seconds before she appears.

"Mum? Are you okay?"

She asks, frowning as she takes in my tear stained cheeks. I nod and watch as she approaches me.

"I'm more than okay, sweetheart. Your Brother's coming home."

I say and her face softens as she smiles, nodding her head.

"He found them? The Wolves I saw in my vision?"

She asks, her little eyes widening in hopefulness. I take her hand with a smile.

"He did. He even found the Elders that you thought were just a myth."

I tell her and she smiles and hugs me tightly. I smile and hug her back just as tightly. We pull away at the sound of the front door opening.

"Hello, Son."

George says as Sirius walks through the door. I smile when his eyes search the room until they land on me.

"Mum. I can feel Freddie getting closer."

He says and I nod, approaching him. I take his hand and his face softens ever so slightly.

"Yes, baby. He's coming home."

I tell him and he cracks a small smile. His eyes glance at his Sister and Father before coming back to me. I notice how his eyes keep flashing red momentarily.

"You haven't eaten today. Come, let's get you some blood."

I say, pulling him with me to the kitchen as George approaches Delphini. He whispers into her ear before they both leave the flat.

The Sister (Harry Potter/George Weasley) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now